Then maybe it’s time to figure out how to get your own place.
Maybe your parents will help you, financially, with this. Or maybe there’s some kind of subsidized housing. That would be a good project to work on. It has a goal, and that goal is independence.
Living alone forces you to get up and do things. I, personally, have a cat to take care of, and a house to take care of, and laundry to do, and I sometimes procrastinate, and I don’t do it all well, but I do it. I live alone, just 10 minutes from my parents, so I can see them any time I need to.
You say you can’t live alone, but you never tried. If you live alone, you have no choice but to do things and find ways to either not be lonely, or learn to love your own company.
Why don’t you learn how to cook? Or bake? Or both?
While you’re in bed, start Googling some recipes that sound interesting to you. Pick one to start, and then go shopping with your parents for the ingredients.
Then you will be contributing to the household, and you won’t feel as useless. You may even develop a love for a new hobby.
I love to read, but I haven’t been able to read a book since earlier this year. But I wanted to read. So I bought a book I was really interested in, and I read one chapter. In my “old” life, I would have read half the book already, as I was a very fast reader. Now I have to accept one chapter. And I do! And I am really proud of myself!
That’s what you should shoot for – those little things. I promise you they will give you a sense of pride, and then you’ll want to keep going. Concentrate for as long as you can. Then stop. It’s even how I clean my house, with a lot of breaks. It’s how I do everything these days, with a lot of breaks.
This is a weak spot for me, too! I’m better at patience since being on my APs, though, because I don’t get as ragey when I don’t have patience for something.
Yea I feel the same about wondering about this question. I can’t discipline myself to read a book for like several years now. I feel I don’t have the motivation although I do have the interest
I’m curious if the same chemicals and pathways in the brain are used for discipline as motivation? I mean Mike Tyson had no motivation to wake up at 4 in the morning to jog 5 miles, but he had the discipline. Good question