I have a question

i have a question. do you ever feel useless? i mean from the standpoint of the illness and unable to work. i just hate being told the only useful skill i have to offer is picking up dog poop. i have more skills than that i think.
i know its terrible for me to bring this up but i just think i i’m by myself sometimes in thinking i’m fine i can work but my partner, and doctors don’t think i can do it.

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Only way to find out for sure is to try.


i have applied to places in the past the last and only one to call for a interview asked why i could only work part time and i just said i wanted to start out as part time and get use to work and they never called back

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Believe me @cbbrown you are not useless.

And one day you could try working or volunteering.

But even if you never work you are still not a useless person.


The holidays are coming and a lot of places will be looking for part timers. If your asked you can just say that your working on a personal project too. They don’t need to know that your project is self healing.

Feeling useless is a dangerous lie to tell yourself, please don’t believe it - it’s depressing and you know you can do helpful things (for you and others). Tomorrow do 2 things (out of the normal ones) that will make your life, or someones life better. They can be small, write them down after, and how doing them challenged you ( or didn’t as much as you thought) and how you felt after.

The next day try 2 different things, then keep going with it until you can do a few more.
If you do it, let me know how it worked out for you, I’ll be checking back on you.


When I go out looking for work it can take me several months and putting in 12 or 13 applications before I get one interview. And even though I am very good at interviews, I might have to go to three of four before I get a job.

Sometimes I can go looking for work and I might find a job in three weeks or a month, it just depends.

My point is that it takes time and effort to go job hunting and you have to be persistent. You may go out looking for work and you may get hired at the very first job you apply for. It happens. But more likely you will have to put in a bunch of applications and go through a few interviews.


@cbbrown - how are you?

I’m doing better today I got a flu shot and walked one of my in-laws dogs. Had to chase two of them that escaped the yard through a hole in the fence between the playhouse and the neighbors yard. So now they have to be chained to the back stairs one at a time. It’s such a narrow pathway between the playhouse and the fence I dont know how it can be fixed.

I don’t feel as useless today still do a bit. My partner got me some clothes from some high end thrift store for my birthday. I wasn’t allowed to go with to get them but they’re sure I will like them

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to answer your question. we all feel useless at some point. it’s only natural. life is big and complex, so is human nature and we can’t be up all the time.

usually when i feel useless and can’t rationalize it out or do something to make myself not so much i continue on with my day the best i can and if it hasn’t passed by the end then usually the next day it has. much like you experienced.

i think feeling useless is something people without mental illness feel from time to time naturally, so we all do. it’s only human. to me it’s a way of allowing one moment to pass so we can become a better self in the next moment.

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@cbbrown I’m really happy to hear that. Your dog adventure is kinda funny, bonus exercise for the 2 of you. Maybe you can get creative and DIY a fix for the fence. I’m sure the dogs would prefer it too.

I love thrifting, everything is unique and the prices are good. Hope you have a great Birthday, and you like the surprises.

Hope you can keep up the 2 extra things, sounds like it’s good for you.

I’ll check back in a couple of days, if you don’t mind.


I feel like I have a lot of potential, but no one gives me a chance. So I’m just over here wasting away from unuse.

Also the fact that I’m heavily sedated for the majority of the day makes me feel angry too. Like I could accomplish so much more if I didn’t have the narcolepsy. The modafinil is so short acting, each pill lasts only 2-3 hours, and if I take more my heart starts to go wonky and I can be up all night. It’s massively frustrating. Even with it active I am still tired and need coffee, just not as much as I used to.

Certainly i feel useless from time to time, and that is despite the fact that i actually have a full time job. When i have breakthrough episodes, i’m really useless. I simply cannot function, and it makes me feel awful because i feel like i’m letting the whole team down at work. But they’re really supportive.

Anyway - you definitely have a lot to offer @cbbrown. Look at how responsible you are with looking after all those animals. Shows that you can be responsible or take on responsibilities in a work capacity. What kind of work - well that’s up to you, but you certainly could work if you wanted to. I agree, prehaps start out part time and see how you respond to that. Don’t want to bite off more than you can chew. And don’t give up hope, i understand the job market is pretty desparate over there, but if you continue to persevere, something will come up eventually.


@cbbrown , hi just checking in.

I was thinking if you can’t find a PT job at the moment how about volunteering 1-2 days a week somewhere? It would look really good on the applications and help to get you into the swing of getting yourself out there again. (plus it feels right)

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