Being gay here

Iā€™m here to support fellow SZs. Donā€™t care if theyā€™re homo, hetero, black, white, red, yellow, pink, male, female, etc. NOT my concern or my biz.



Ha, I must be the only asexual person here. I mean, Iā€™ve always preferred relationships with boys because if I HAD to be sexual, thats my preference, but if you take sex out of the equation, I could have a relationship with pretty much anyone.

How about John Bobbit??

Hm Id onā€™t know who that is :stuck_out_tongue:

Um Lorainna Bobbit cut his pee pee off. And why worry about sexuality when finding out whatā€™s real is always in question with this illness?? Iā€™m not saying nothing else matters, but think about itā€¦

There have been some people both male and female who have come into my life and shown me patience and kindness. Some were great, some not so much.

The person I happen to be with now is female. I wasnā€™t necessarily looking for ANY relationship and I had no parameters as far as male or female.

Itā€™s just the person who met me, offered me friendship, understanding and patience this time ā€¦. happened to be female. due to meds, my head circus, and life, I was sure I was done with relationships and I wasnā€™t going to let that bother me.

Then I started feeling better and daring to think about that part of life.

All I really wanted was a person with a kind heart, patience and a sense of humor. I got that.


I am heteroā€¦ And I wish to be oneā€¦

Keep wishinā€™ if youā€™re in the prison lolā€¦

Findings from our study emphasize the fact that sexual orientation minorities are vulnerable to poor mental health outcomes, including suicide attempts. Clinicians need to be aware of these specific negative mental health consequences when assessing sexual orientation minorities.

I think it being gay or bi or different sets a person up to feel think a whole lot of things that arenā€™t really included in heteronormativity. My psychosis was entirely centered around bisexuality. We have a culture that on the surface your either straight or gay and its a fine line. This is a heteronormative culture. If you donā€™t see it that way or fit into that paradigm then your reality can come into question. Thatā€™s all it really takes irrational fear in the presense of everyday circumstances to start becoming delusional and typically that can lead to hallucinations. I think in the future this will sort itself out. Once our cultures open up to the reality. I think itā€™s a generational thing. For now though straight people in no way want to see themselves as potentially gay. That is part of the reason the gay identity exists. That and the fact some people really are just gay. The more I think about all the speculations about human sexuality can be true in different circumstances. Like for me I know itā€™s a choice, I could adapt and get along just fine if I wanted to, but in this culture and this life I donā€™t even want to one of the people to go through that. Im predominately straight I know that because of my dreams and my natural reactions to women. But I still know itā€™d be possible for me to have and enjoy gay sex, but itā€™s not something I pursue. Any case nuff said.

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Iā€™m bisexual myself. With all of the trauma Iā€™ve been through from what men have done to me it felt safer to be with women, even though Iā€™m with a guy now. Jason makes me feel safe though, and heā€™s different. I know he doesnā€™t use me for sex, and he respects me so I know if I told him ā€œnoā€ he would respect that.
I read an interesting theory on why people are bisexual or gay. In your past lives you could have been a man or a woman and were attracted to the opposite sex. But now in this incarnation you are a different sex but still attracted to that sex as you were in past lives. Just a theory. I donā€™t know if itā€™s true or not. I guess it depends on your beliefs. :sunny:

I consider myself asexual. There are time when Iā€™m just straight up grossed out by sex. Other times more carnal desires override that. I used to have a gf, that and in my teens with all those hormones I was definitely hetero. Now Iā€™ve just sort of retired until I find a suitable girl. This illness has been a major set back in my life. Gotta get a job get out of my moms place. Then I can worry about romantic interests.

yeah if your gay you know, its not usually a spectrum. when i went through puberty it was cute boys i was looking at and not girls. i was like twelve and knew i was gay before i understood it had a word to describe it, i just thought of myself as some kinda of irrational pervert and kept attempting suicide i didnt realize it was a whole thing with culture and acceptance being possible


Yeah exactly, for gay people itā€™s clear and for straight people itā€™s clear. The real problem is for bi people they arenā€™t really as established. Itā€™s how straight people see homosexuality. Youā€™d have to be gay to do it. I think the options are open for more open minded people. Glad there are a few of you on this board. To me there is just homosexuality some people are driven to it other people arenā€™t, but when it really comes down to it anyone could go through the motions. Itā€™s a pretty controversial belief but I think the actual nature of flexibility is being covered up to bring people comfort. If youā€™ve never been attracted to women your obviously a different case in point.

Yeah, well Iā€™m glad you didnā€™t commit suicide your a cool guy. I donā€™t give a ā– ā– ā– ā–  if your gay.

I am bisexual and despised myself when I looked at women. I had no idea that it was okay. Now I am primarily hetero (since I married a man) but, if I ever remarry it will be to a woman.


Being bisexual kind of opens the door to a lot of chaos and questioning not just of yourself but of the world. It goes against the predominate culture. Iā€™ve been there and Iā€™m opting out. It drove me crazy to the point of hallucinations and some really ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  up dreams. Iā€™m just gonna do what comes naturally and be hetero. I love the gays though, everybody deserves to be queered out at some point though. Itā€™s just a part of life. I think it hilarious.

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thanks man. yeah i do often wonder if bullying made me gay somehow but that doesnt explain the sexual attraction part. i think its possible that gender is a spectrum however and gay lies on that spectrum. i enjoy my male parts and being a male, but if i had tp choose between having sex with men and being a man id much rather trade up my gender for endless sex with men than change my sexuality for endless sexual feelings but with a woman.

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