Being gay here

how many of you are homosexual here?

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I`m heterosexual. Why are you ask strange questions?

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Im bisexual, which means I engage in hetero and homo sexuality. Mostly homo. But more than incidentally hetero. Just look at my browsing history hahahaha

I used to consider myself bisexual also, yet I have many hallucinations of rape. Boxers, professional sports players and what not come and rape me sometimes all day. I have a girlfriend and I believe that each woman is a goddess respectively, and that they’re nurturing is different. I love being committed to her, eventually we’re getting myself a prostate tickler.

not strange wtroff just seeing whos gay…no harm done

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Early I think that I homosexual. But I wrong.

what makes one gay?

Being sexually aroused by members of the same sex, like kissing another man and getting an erection, staring at other guys, looking at gay porn, having sex with members of the same sex, never getting aroused by members of the opposite sex, come on dude you know what it means to be gay.

Don`t worry! What is disease you, Pedro27?

look up freud pedro. everyone in his book has very homosexual tendancies that usually go unnoticed…think about your heros that you idolize…

My heroes are mostly high functioning schizophrenics and Japanese manga characters, and one of them is bisexual.

ive heard some people are born gay? is that true

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There is no science that knows. It’s all about chemical configurations and how you respond to pheromones. I’m more of a visual guy. I admit both men and women can be attractive, but women win that battle hands down.

cheers, I’m getting a beer lol.

I consider myself high functioning schizophrenics, too. But earlly I was disabled

I was diagnosed in 2008. It’s been a scary journey…truthfully.

Ask a doctor if you are highly functioning, not yourself. High functioning for some may be low functioning for other schizophrenics- it’s which standard deviation on functioning you are in that matters

I think straight people are naturally disgusted by gay sex and weirded out by homosexual interactions. Part of them expects everyone to be straight because they can’t relate to anything else.


Or they’re in denial and are jealous of a homo being strong in face of disdain.

common LT, you military or something?