The gay question

Continuing the discussion from Delusion of being gay:

Are you gay if you’ve just had sexual thoughts about men but no actual sexual contact.?

Background: 61. Only sexual experience with one person, a female. No sex for 28 years . Not bothered if I never have it again.

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It’s all been in fantasy for me, but have had three girlfriends, one on the internet.

I think “being” "gay or “straight” depends on who you are attracted to.

Just saw an article about a study claiming no one is 100% “straight”


I also find that, after a good sleep, my mood and mode on awaking are different from before.

I will never be gay, I don’t even think about it. Flag me or ban me @anon9798425

Can mods cut my internet if I’m not gay? I’m tired of this crap poop

I am straight like a razor edge. I had delusion about being gay just one day( I also made plans… Like I will be the man who is more preoccupied with imagine of the couple and I will keep every thing in order :slight_smile: ) then I try watching gay porn… Pointless… I am straight but the delusion was so real that one day


What’s this all about, formalname? Why would anyone ban you for not being gay? I don’t know where this is coming from. This forum respects people’s sexuality, whether they are gay, straight, bisexual or something else, and it’s never OK to imply anyone’s sexual orientation is wrong or inappropriate.


Are you getting 403 'd ?

Is that why you say this?

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I’m sorry @anon9798425 I was too angry/mad on you because you flagged me and closed my previous thread. You are right I think. My madness passed away. Sorry for attacking you directly. In my country soon will be a vote for marriages between same sex(gay, lesbian) It was a peRsonal attack. I’m not against this thing. I have to go now, see y’all :sunny:


It is easy, do you feel attracted by men? :slight_smile:


I will choose “Yes I agree” about marriages between same sex. I would rather be gay than lonely :wink:

What are you talking about @anon51414962? Are you OK?

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Well, I said I would rather be gay than single. That’s all. I think I’m okay now. You judge it

So maybe I’m bisexual. I have a very high sex drive

I was actually wondering why do you think your internet will be cut?

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Because I was very angry on Treebeard. He enlisted and closed and flagged my previous thread. Since you mods have super amazing powers. But I was attacking again the mod. I’m sorry for what I said but I was mad

Oh, I see. That thread was pretty inappropriate. It was flagged multiple times.

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I’d much rather be surfing the net ,or eating a plateful of chicken wings and pork ribs, than having sex.


I dunno, either. My lesbian cousin appears to think that I am bisexual, despite the fact that I have never so much as kissed a girl. Last month she asked me to go to a popular local gay club with her. I said okay. I knew they had amazing mixed drinks with sprinkles and sugary flavors, so I was a little more excited about the drinks than anything else (and she was buying!).
At the club, I noticed the only female dancer dancing on the bar was surrounded by straight dudes, one who seemed aggressive. I went over to her and tipped her repeatedly through the night (in my mind to give her some space from the aggressive guy).
Then two women came to sit with me and my cousin and I guess one asked my cousin about my sexuality. My cousin goes, “oh she’s bi. Pretty much.” and I was like: ?? and she was like well what are you then cuz you’re always watching adult videos and you even told me you search for specific physical traits for the females…and not the males.
Me: oh, well, maybe I’m a “por*sexual?” and everybody at the table laughed for a while. Long story, all to say, I don’t know! I do filter everything on ***hub premium so that my results are mostly large chested ladies, but I’ve never had intimacy w/a woman. :thinking: <–me, perplexed