HE’s more a man than you in Spartan traditions.
No i’m sorry but this guy just pissed me off
Birth order, environment ,genes and hormones have been seen as factors as to why some men are gay.
got a girl bro? I do I love her but I’ve been embarrassed by my decisions in the past. I have been so open with all you guys, and yes I instigated things a bit too. So sorry mortemer
When I was child I functioned better that is now
So Pedro you so starved for women you looking to cross the divide? Lol
Some people are inspired by the options of what they may consider (higher love) too LT. You live once and should consider any type of option to explore what the world really is…I dunno that’s how I feel. I was very outlandish and foolish in the past truthfully, and I’m just lucky to have anyone. To anyone out there that doesn’t have anyone just keep trying.
I can slightly agree. I’ve been here a little while and read some of the guys post, I don’t even really mind that’s he’s gay, but its the way he comes off that bothers me. Personally I don’t like homosexuals, First because of an incident where this guy tried to come on to me. Second, If it’s a sexual thing… what is wrong with women that they prefer men. Third, I just don’t think it’s Christian.
The homosexuals probably don’t like you either. I guess except for that one guy who came onto you. But whatever man they’re just homosexuals it’s not like that is ever gonna change.
Okay you seem very religious and traditional. That is NEVER a bad thing. Belief and expression bring to use some type of vortex of consciousness. We can really learn a lot here. Yeah I’m cocky too man…lol. I just kinda treat my voices like ■■■■ and piss em off sometimes. So I’m two different people it seems sometimes. I want to be me…always…in thought word and deed. Just remember to walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself for us.
Bryan you gotta admit though that that is scary at first to a natural person in a culture like ours. Even though we’re americans and we consider ourselves very open over correctness doesn’t mean that our inner thoughts don’t have fear against a situation that was never conceptual in a persons mind. Until it happened. I chock that to man shock.
Can we keep this respectful.
definitely Barbie
Sorry Barbie…
Many researchers believe that there is a scale / or continuum of sexuality - from very hetrosexual to very homosexual. Most people, they say, are somewhere inbetween the two extreems:
Here is another scale / test:
im a homosexual here, not many schizo homos out there
I’m not quite sure I understand.
I would say im very homosexual. Women are just friends to me, anything else is disgusting
I believe truthfully everyone has a personal quest in life and that love is the law that should abide by under the will of god. And I have loved and accepted many walks of life. I’ve made mistakes, and I’ve experienced some of the coolest things ever. So even if you are disgusted love what isreal
last time i took i was 4.5