Your worst fashion phase

My sister works in film and loves period clothing.

Right now she’s working on a project that took place in the early 2000s.

That was when I was in high school and I know the fashion too well.

All the girls wanted to be trashy ass Paris Hilton and all the guys dressed like Eminem.

It was a difficult time, for sure.

Purposely exposed thongs, babydoll shirts, super low rise jeans,

So terrible.

That’s embarrassing.



When did you grow up?

How was the fashion?

Are you ashamed?


I still dress like a 2000 skater/metal head


I wore parachute pants sometimes in junior high. They were ridiculous. With like a thousand zippers. The pair I remember was too small and tight on me as well. It was dark blue I believe. COuldn’t find a pic that accurately reflected the absurdity of the pair I wore.

Edit: Something like this except blue and less wavy because they were so tight:



That purposely exposed thongs was the best, as a boy growing up in high school it was amazing to look at hahaha


Some of those pants had a fake thong built in so you could wear more comfortable panties and still look trashy.

It was an interesting time.


I grew up in the late 50’s, early 60’s. pop beads, hoop skirt slips. T-shirts were new for women and ridiculed.


That’s really cool, @PinCushion.

Also a very interesting fashion time in history.


Whatever I wear is awesome.

Everyone else just needs to deal.


i have a similar thing in my current wardrobe

i did my short hair up in tight hellraiser style bunches all over like a grid and wore a horrible mismatch goth skirt which looked a bit stupid
that was my only ever fashion mistake i actually regret


i thought i looked so cute also in a gnr t shirt with a waistcoat
i think waistcoats were pretty terrible but i have a military style one i like now, completely - stand and deliver, your money or your life

I was a teen in the 80s. We used to tight roll our jeans. And the girls all had big hair. And I had a mullet.

I heard the mullets came back but were called scullets.


Hahaha so true. Even in grade 8 this was the trending

The ladies all wanted the belly button dangly ring

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I was a teenager in the 90s. I was all over the map.

Some days I dressed like a rapper, some days like a rocker, some days preppy.

I had bell bottom jeans, overalls, regular jeans, various types of sweaters and shirts. I had one of those rapper suits made of denim, it was black with stuff on it.

Here is an example of one type of thing I would wear.


I’m not ashamed but I look back and laugh at myself

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wearing skateboarding wrist guards to school and then getting yelled at by a teacher saying i am making fun of people with arthritis. conpletely different type of wrist thing but he was stuck on it

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I am definitely ashamed of my high school days “fashion” or should I say middle school days…

Me and all my friends dressed emo😂

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My sister is close to your age and dressed emo in high school.

She’s tried to destroy the evidence.

But I still have a few pictures.

I get second hand embarrassment from them.

It’s an unflattering phase.

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ROFL. I still have pics too… but I think it’s hilarious

Let me see if I can find one

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@anon61987434, that picture looks so similar to all my sister’s.


@TomCat, that hair! Oh, the 80s!