Your Most Hated Item of Clothing you were Forced to Wear as a Child!

I was a kid in the 60’s/70’s. (thanks for reminding me @77Nick77) We weren’t really into fashionable clothing items back then and our clothes were mostly hand-me-downs as they were so expensive.

I was forced to wear things like hotpants, witches britches and heaven forbid dresses and skirts that looked like tablecloths or curtains. I was a tomboy, and whilst on holidays to Stewart Island, NZ I discovered a leather shop containing some items of clothing.

I just had to have it. A hippie leather waistcoat with leather tassels all the way around. Mum paid for it and I wore it with great pride with my only pair of flared jeans. It was just so cool I thought. In reality it was ugly, I looked ugly in it and looked more like a boy than ever. As my mum had paid a ridiculous amount of money for it she wanted her money’s worth. I was forced to wear this thing over and over again and suffer the humiliation and ridicule that came with it. :blush:


Sorry I cant help you with this one. It was so long ago I dont remember what I wore back then.

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I remember my whole of primary school was without shoes. I wore them on occasion but mostly it was no shoes. I had tough feet and we’d get around without shoes. We moved in my grade 7 and had to wear shoes to school! Was so pissed I had to do that! haha.


The crap from my cousins. By the time it got to me it had been worn by about 4 different boys and was 10 years out of style and nearly worn out anyhow. I had a single mom on welfare so that was the only way I got “new” clothes.

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I, too, don’t remember what I wore before middle school. Except for stories and pictures, I can’t say anything was overly horrendous. Haha. Funny you should ask.

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Mama always made me wear a scarf. I hated scarfs.

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My winter coat for 3 years in elementary school was this really ugly old blue coat that had been passed down from all my older siblings and by the time it got to me it was torn up and my mother used clear packing tape on the sleeves to patch the holes to keep the fluff from coming out. I hated that coat.


I am sorry for laughing @LED, but I can visualise it so clearly. Oh the humiliation of it all.

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I hate sweatpants and sweatshirts. I’ve always hated them since a child. Buying me my first pair of jeans was a very intelligent decision.

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Catholic school uniform which was really an excuse not to buy your kids cute clothes to wear to school. I never had anything cute to keep up with my neighbors and friends so when my mother bought me leg warmers as a joke in the 1980s I started crying. I wanted to look cute and leg warmers were a joke!

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Underwear, hated it since I was a kid :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:




Had to wear it to school everyday for four years.


when I was young mom made me wear jeans. they were always too tight and uncomfortable. eventually she relented and I started wearing sweatsuits, which were way more comfortable.

then in middle school mom bought me this bright yellow coat I wanted. I thought it looked so cool, but quickly changed my mind and only wore it like 3 times. today yellow is my most hated color. I never paint with yellow or bright red colors. but I do like dark sweet cherry I call it.

if I were god I would make the sun purple instead of yellow. that’s all.

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We were poor so we traded clothes with the neighbors. I always was wearing mismatched colors and I looked bad but I loved it lol. I guess I hated jeans though, I thought they were uncomfortable

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My dad bought our school clothes from the cheapest store in town. Do y’all remember Heck’s department store? Man, I hated going back to school.

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I was 20 when my mom bought me a hunter orange jumpsuit to wear in the oilfield…everyone else had brown jumpsuits to work in and they made fun of me calling me “flash” all the time…I hated it.


A dark red and blue football top I had to wear at prep school sometimes . It was horrible next to my skin!


Are you a hunter? You must wear blaze orange if you’re out where there might be other hunters. I mean were these oil fields close to any hunting grounds? Or was it just a silly purchase on your mom’s part?

@Loke it was my mom’s fault…it was a hunting jumpsuit not intended for the oilfield…I was already considered “the doctor’s son” by my coworkers because my dad was the doctor in that town…even though my father did nothing to support me at the time…just horrible…haha

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I loved my clothes. I had some hand-me-down clothes but I only took what I liked. I guess I was fortunate.