Did you ever go through a vampire phase

People thought i was weird because i used to dress emo and was super into vampires. Then twilight came out and suddenly it was popular so i wasnt seen as weird. I never got into twilight, but i saw the movie in thw hopsital a few years back and it wasnt bad. But in my teenage years i rejected anything too mainstream. How edgy.


No vampire phase.

But I went full goth back in the 99/00s.

It was fun,

However very expensive to maintain.

When every clothing item has to fit a theme, it adds up.

So I switched to just wearing what the ■■■■ I wanted.

Matching and style be damned.

It was fun, too.

The pictures are great.


I really liked goth culture too. Anyrhing dark i felt at home in. I still wearing a lot of black to this day, but i also got into the hippie culture as a teen, and found a home there too. Now i just wear whatever i like without much thought about what “style” i fit into, i dont like limiting myself like that anyway. I do still have a pair of tripp pants i hope to one day fit back into (theyre not that tight on me) bought those before hot topic stopped making good tripp pants.


I did because of this movie.

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Did you believe vampires were real?

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I definitely let it become a reality for me for a while yes

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At least you knew which outfit to wear on Halloween😛

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I’ve had dreams of being bitten by a vampire though.

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Omg I totally forgot about those :laughing: thanks for reminding me!

Anyways- I wouldn’t say I went through a vampire phase really. Did you ever use the social media site called Vampire Freaks?? Lol

I did go through an emo/scene phase


Oh i definitely used vampire freaks lol religiously. I had an internet gf on there and everything.


Me too :joy: well, a boyfriend…

Then it turned out he had an in real life gf…. Sooo…

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Yup yup, that were my teens.

Yeah i liked vampire movies and books for a while. But my phase was more due to having the delusion that i actually was some kind of vampiric creature lol.

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Yeah, i can relate to that lol. I dont know if i was fully delusional about it but i definitely fantasized a lot about being a vampire

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I used vampire freaks too… was really into vampires and I wanted to dress in goth but I was not able to because of where i grew up… it is much different there now.

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I went through a metal core phase where i dressed in colorful skinny jeans and wore metal band t shirts and looked like every other scene kid

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No but I did like this movie


I was never goth. I was one of the honors’ students who never even toed the line. My friends and I didn’t even curse. :sweat_smile:

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