I have been doing yoga for a few weeks now. I follow Adriene on youtube and am doing the 30 day flow practice.
It is awesome and I feel excellent for doing it. It normally takes about half an hour.
I noticed that when she does a forward fold with arm extension with fingers interlocked that she gets real distance between her arms and back. I am hopeless at getting any distance. I wondered if this was due to gender difference with the muscles in the shoulder restricting my arms from separation. I ask if this is true?
I know i am not as muscley as the guy in the second image, but I have muscles and I think the first image must be impossible for a man. What do you reckon?
Does anyone else do yoga?
I am working on the tree pose a bit and it is tricky. You have to tense the core muscles and standing leg as resistance. It is much harder than it looks. I have improved with a little repetition though.
I used to do yoga for people with health conditions at the Methodist church it was chair based yoga. She also ran courses in yoga for us mental health folk
I enjoyed it and found it relaxing I think you’ve reminded me now I might get back into it
I have a fitness tracker and it says i use up about 240 calories a session. I am hoping for more flexibility as i age. Yoga is certainly going to do that!
I hope you get into it again. It is awesome, as i am sure you know.
My lower back is a little out of sorts lately. I’m going to dig out my men’s yoga for beginners book and reserve half a hour for it, hopefully on a regular basis.
i do Ashtanga on zoom, currently 3 / 4 times a week for about an hour
it’s always been my preferred style, and was great for me when i was long term in hospital
but im only back doing it for about 9 weeks
I’ve been doing yoga consistently for the last 17 years. (Hatha yoga.)
Yoga is good for keeping a person youthfully flexible and bendy. But I’ve found, as I’ve grown older, that it doesn’t keep your limbs or heart strong. You lose strength and stamina unless you also do cardio and work out with weights.
Some forms of yoga are more aerobic than others. Like Power yoga or Vinyasa yoga.
i used to do yoga, ya it was fun i was just keep losing my will and they stole me into a world. but other than that i have been a good man in yoga and it helps some sorts.