Women Hate Me Because I Have No Personality

Well maybe I do, but I am hideously boring and quiet and awkward when I talk to people, especially people I’m attracted to. I’m thinking about giving up on the dating world. I just can’t see myself succeeding despite my dreams of having a wife and kids.


I’m the same way. I’ve gotten to where I like being alone. It’s heartening to not need much from the world and to be content without a lot of external stimulation. I do need the internet and a tv, though.


It’s all just a matter of being in the right place at the right time.

I mean you haven’t met every single lady in the world, so how do you know they all hate you?

I hardly even leave my apartment and I suspect there’s a gal who has a crush on me.


Some lady artist out there is gonna look at your work, look at you, and be all OH SNAP.

It’s coming, d00d. Have faith.




Listen to the Raptor. He is wise.



It’s just that this girl I felt was perfect for me. She was kind, intelligent, funny, exactly the kind of person I was looking for, but was torn away from someone away. She must think I’m some kind of loser. Maybe because I’m still living with my mom.

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Equal opportunity mate. Theres a woman out there for ya!


Happens to all of us. I thought I had missed out on the perfect one and then I found another who showed me what perfection really looks like (other than coming with in-laws - patooey).


I put people to sleep when I talk to them. I’m not too worried about it. So I shouldn’t go to New Year’s Eve parties. Those things are a mixed blessing for most people, and a real danger for me.

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There are many people who could be the right one out there. Just because someone doesn’t want to be with you does not mean they hate you.


I stopped putting myself out there on the dating sites. I had zero luck, and didn’t feel like spending the money when I felt I wasn’t fit for dating. I’m content where I’m at.

Hopefully you find a ladyfriend, @PhotoGuy. If you dream of a wife and kids, don’t give up!


I went to a dating site and there was a hell of an attractive lady who said she was willing to relocate, as well. I didn’t try after that as she thought I was in New York in the US whereas she was in a different state (I wasn’t in the US at the time).

But, I am a quiet person in real life and wouldn’t want to deal with the baggage that comes with a relationship of any sort- unless it is a marriage. I just like it when it is bang bang, thank you ma’am. And, the less talk, the better.

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Do you want a girlfriend?

You’re soooo cute and sweet.

Someone is just going to fall in total love with you if you keep at it.

But I understand if you’re content for now.

Just letting you know if you want to date, you’re a total catch.


Re reading that it seems like I’m hitting on you a little.

I’m a married woman that isn’t hitting on you,

But just stating the facts, friend.

You’re a good guy, you can totally find someone.

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I would, yeah, but maybe I’m looking in the wrong places (dating sites). Women my age on those sites seem turned off by a schizophrenic who has no job, lives with their parents, has no social life, and doesn’t want kids. It’s tough finding someone who is open to all that. So I’ve just become content. I’ve realized I need a job before I start looking for a girlfriend. Holding down a job is good for many reasons (money, socializing, “fitting in”).

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I have very low sexual energy of any kind and women sense it, I have nothing they want. I must not be normal because I’ve had countless opportunities. Even Helen of Troy could not get me. That’s scientific proof at the very least I am not normal. It just took me by surprise when she gave me those bedroom eyes. ( I’m talking about the nicest and prettiest girl I ever saw. Even her back was pretty. )

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I’ve ■■■■■■ many a dude in his parent’s basement with no other job than occasional “musician”.

There’s hope regardless of your situation.

But I understand wanting to be more financially stable for your own reasons.

Not trying to pressure you into dating,

Just saying you shouldn’t be hard on yourself.


Sex isn’t everything, @Jinx.

I know women that would be happy with no to little sexual contact.

You can carry on a very good relationship that way with the right person.

Just gotta keep putting yourself out there or they can’t find you.


I do look for jobs occasionally, and I have a willingness to work, it’s just finding the right gig.

Once I find and hold down a job, I’ll have more confidence to get back out there and look for a girlfriend.

I appreciate your kind words. Really. It’s nice to hear some encouragement. You’re a good friend.


No problem, homie!

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