Will i be able to recover if i have no friends? How was it for you?

I wonder if its possible… I have two friends left, but it happens me to talk to them badly I guess sometimes :confused: When I am smashed by my ap or smth else… In fact, its very deep my will to remain kind and good, but I also try to rebel against my fate now, so to talk a bit badly happens now…
But is it possible to get better from the meds while no friends at all if I lose them all? How was it for you? Did you know a long period of loneliness and when your meds started to work, you started to socialize more?
I wonder if its possible first to get better even without people around you… I am afraid, that I can find myself once really alone…

I think friends are important for recovery at least at some stage yea.
I am glad to be part of an unusual belief group in Watsapp. We don’t talk much on it at all though but I assume that we will have some meet ups at some point. Which would be really cool.

Uhhh, I dont really think so.

It’s not so much how many friends you have, but more so if you choose to engage in social activities etc.

Some people may take that the wrong way and assume you’re not friends anymore.

Isolation isnt a helpful path to recovery, but it does help the symptoms.

Some people can live their life all alone and be happy, others need to constantly be around people.

From personal experience, I attend a soup kitchen on the weekends and on weekdays I sometimes go to the local group just to hangout for a bit. It’s not much but I find it satisfying.

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But what if I lose all mines? How i’ll do it?
One of my last two friends is ill and we have both problems socializing… I think that shell dump me at one stage… how i’ll recover then? Is it possible in isolation? what if I find myself in total loneliness again?

Do you have mi groups I find them good sometimes??

I want to join more of them there are soo many in my country but they are very picky if you are in the Borough or not.

What about meet up does that exist in your country.

I hope you can maintain your friendship with your two friends… Long term friendships can be so valuable

I think even just having two friends is good as long as they are healthy friendships, close froendships

Oh, yeap… Ill try to maintain those relationships… But in fact, I live in isolation since 15 years… Idk if its possible for me anymore… I refuse to meet new people cause too paranoid now about my condition… Is it possible though to get better in isolation? Tbh, ill be on the suicidal board if I lose this last friend of mine… Idk if it’ll worth to fight if its not possible to get better even alone… I am fighting to be around people, but idk if this will happen soon. Is it possible to get better in isolation? Can the meds work while this and give me one day the desire to socialize? at least this?
Is it humanly possible to get better here at home first and then i’ll seek more friends?

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I am just afraid that this can happen… Its close…
Plus my situation is bad, 15 years and more of sedentary and isolation… Idk if I should continue fighting… If its humanly possible to get out of the illness just with this isolation… I want to live, but I see how my state is now…
when I go out, I talk to the sellers, I have my mom too… But I am afraid its too few… Should I stay alive, is it possible to get better? I am not sure anymore…

I’ve lost all my friends over the years, one reason or another.

Been isolating for years. Don’t know if I even deserve friends, don’t know if I could maintain that type of relationship.

But I’m trying, I’m trying to get out more, put myself out there, maybe find a few.

Recovery is possible alone, but it’s easier with a support system, friends potentially included.

What matters is that you keep that spark of hope alive, that spark of inspiration that tells you to go on, that it will get better if you work on it and get help.

With that spark, friends or not. Recovery is possible. I have to believe that, or else the depression beats me


Oh, thank you @Ooorgle for the nice message… Its just that I started to fight an year ago… But the only results till now are that I don’t complain so much anymore, which is good, but the other bad is that I see the consequences of my 15 years old isolation… I didn’t care before… Was too ill to care… and all my pdocs said that I should socialize… They told me, that the meds don’t work quite well on me… They saw people who started to get outside on them, but its not my case :confused: I still go out, but not really for socializing… Not for longtime either… I talk on the phone to those last two friends, but one of them is ill too and she can dump me…
But now I have this pressure to be surrounded by people… All my docs said, that I need it… But what if its not possible for me anymore for the moment?
Yeah… I just don’t know if I can reverse the loneliness even after being outside of the society for so long?.. Idk if somebody else did it… For me its been 15 years in isolation, even more tbh…

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That’s a question you alone have to answer. And that answer may not come without a lot of effort.

I can tell you that recently I joined up with a board game league, last week everyone was very happy to have me, made me feel welcome. Even had a therapy dog there. It was just my style. And I actually talked to people.

It scared me, a lot, to try, but something good came out of it.

I don’t always expect those same results, I know sometimes it’s gonna suck. But I don’t want to stop searching for that perfect place of warmth, compassion, community, and friendship. Surrounded by well wishers all enjoying a game together.

I think it was worth it, and I’m starting to prove to myself I can do it. Better than last time.

I think you can do it too.

Yes that’s what I’m doing I don’t feel in the right state of mind to seek friendship now but I will later when I’m better too, like you said aswell.

What do you have paranoia about btw? I’m sorry to hear that :frowning:

Idk about my paranoia… I guess i am scared of rejection, to be seen as a bad person too… I suffer with irritability sometimes too, which i try not to nourish now too… But i have my somatics around the people too, my body acts badly around people now… I am still trying, but i do few still… I wish id knew i could feel better with the few that i have now, but am not sure anymore… I am ill since kid, so i ended up very alone, not able to work or study or even to sit on a chair calmly outside… I fight now, but i wonder if things can get better with what i have now… All my docs put me pressure to be around people, but i have almost nobody at my side anymore… Just a friend and my mother…

Something my therapist taught me, was that a lot of my own rejection fears came from the fact I have been rejecting myself for years.

The voices picking on me, chipping away my self esteem for years, leaving me with no self respect, believing I was these horrible things they told me.

I had no love for myself, I couldn’t see that there are parts of me that others may like, even love.

That was a big source of the issue for me

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I think if you look after yourself, do the things you love, with time u can develop more of a foundation of self confidence. then rejection is not as bad, if it happens, so not to be feared the same way

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Friends are needed sometimes, but not 100% necessary for everybody on the planet. I had a few friends before, and they let me down. I wasn’t that great at being a good friend either. I have my lovely family and it works out this way. I am very close to them. Someday, if I ever go back to school or work, I might make a couple friends. A fresh start. Maybe even a lovely, wonderful girlfriend.

But is it possible to start to feel a bit better even so much isolated, because of the meds? I’ll try to do some things as you say, but is it possible to get better with such a bad situation?

Just keep believing in yourself and maintain a positive meaningful attitude with what u do.

That’s what I’m trying to do.

I wish u all the best @Anna1

It’s not easy all the time.

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Maybe such a bad situation is a reason to end up my life? Or its my despair who sees it so bad?
Sorry to bother you like this, but tonight, i am on the edge and i don’t know if this isolation is a reason to end up my life or there is a possible recovery even with it?..

No you’re a lovely person, people will miss you and Im sure you have a lot to give :green_heart:
We gotta persevere through the tougher times cos there’s light at the end of the tunnel

But people can get better even after 15 years of isolation? I don’t get it, sorry… Sometimes i hate how i socialize, that’s all…