I am almost losing my last friend now…
But is it possible to recover without friends? Someone did this here?
We’re you very sick, but you started to feel better even without friends?
That’s all… I hope I won’t forget how to talk even without people in my life…
lol. I don’t think you will forget how to talk.
As for getting better without friends, most of my friends moved away. I don’t have facebook anymore so I don’t really have contact with them. I really only have one friend who calls me once a week or so. I got better pretty much without the aid of friends, just family, and you can too.
OK, I see, thank you… I am glad you are better now
It’s just that one pdoc told me, that I’ll never be happy without friends, but I am really scared that I’ll forget how to talk… I already struggle since years with alogia…
So it’s possible to recover without friends? How did you make it without people in your life?
I am very scared that this total loneliness will pull me backwards, but maybe no?
I have only my mom besides that, for 2 hours in the day…
I got better without friends, but it probably would’ve been easier had I still had some.
You won’t forget how to talk.
If having friends irl is that important to you, you can always try to make new ones.
I am too bad to socialize still… plus my illness is still too present, the others usually don’t understand…
Plus I have paranoia from the people still…
OK, I’ll hope, that it’s possible to recover without people, but maybe I’ll regress if so alone
Worry about getting stable for now. When you’re doing a little better, try again.
My best friend had no friends at all and had no job for 10 years. Then she got into therapy and seeing a pdoc, plus taking life skills classes. Then I met her in a support group. She was/is able to socialize now. She has quite a few friends now.
Has something happened between you and your friend @Anna1 ? Sorry to hear of your troubles. You always have people here on the board, then like others say when you are feeling better, maybe you can be more social again
I have lost friends along the way as well. It sucks. Wishing you the very best
She is ill too in fact and at my worst, I can’t be a big help and she is very sensible to this… maybe I overwhelm her, plus she needs more care too, which I can’t always give, cause I am in hell very often, real hell… Anyway, we’ll see how it goes, we used to talk well, but we both need much love, while in our pains, we can’t always give it to each other
Yeap, my stability but the problem here is that no med didn’t help me much till now and believe me, I tried everything for 10 years… I have very painful somatics because of my screwed up thinking, I can’t stand on my feet often by fear and physical hallucinations…
My pdoc says to pay efforts now, but sometimes I am in real hell and it’s impossible to do something. My hell happens way too often too, almost every late afternoon… that’s why I turn desperate… The despair is very hard thing, I guess you know it… I had no life for the last 20 years, that’s why I am quite maddened now…
And this doc, who put this idea in my head, that I won’t do it without people… but I still can’t break the isolation, I have my reasons…
But OK, I still believe a bit that maybe we can get better even alone lol… maybe it’s just harder
If you’re someone who needs friends, then not having friends will probably make recovery difficult. I recovered without friends, and when I got out of the hospital I lived in a place with a lot of guys my age, but I didn’t make friends with any of them. There was one guy I knew there from before but he was an injection drug user, so I avoided him. Long story short: there’s lots of people, out of many only a few will become your friend, with these odds it’s best to be as independent as possible.
I got better before getting new friends as I lost all my presz friends. I still miss them for some reason.
You miss them because you have shared memories that cannot seemingly ever be rehearsed together again…
Thanks I just realized that’s on ‘mine’ too
I don’t have any real life friends and haven’t for a long time. I haven’t gone out or hung out with anyone in years, actually over a decade.
I’ve linked up with a bunch of old friends from primary and secondary school on Facebook but they’ve all moved away and started families. I don’t see any of them in real life.
The last 2 years have been really good for me recovery wise, I started a new med and got a job, so I would say yeah, you can get better and recover without friends at all.
I do have my immediate family/parents that I live with though.
@Anna1 I can relate so much to what you’re saying. I have had a brain injury and been off work for 20 years now. It has been very hard watching my friends move on, and not being included socially anymore, for the most part
I hope you and your friend don’t let go of each other completely. You probably still help each other, maybe you just need some time apart
We can improve, despite everything. I’m in the same boat as you, medication does nothing for me. But I keep trying anyway, and I hope you will too. I have my own private hell, just like you. But together we can help each other out. Okay?
Oh, thank you so much for this message @Cragger
OK, one question to you then… I am not lazy or stubborn, I really don’t look anymore for more meds. I took all that they prescribed me for ten years, nothing didn’t help much. I keep the zyprexa, which helps me to be on my feet, but almost every afternoon or even more often, I am in hell…
You too the meds don’t help you much? This happens? All my ill friends get better from the meds, but not me. I have very painful somatics as well, I sometimes can’t stand on my feet by fear or cause I feel some hellinsh bad energy in my legs… I have many other shyt also… I had a terrible childhood, maybe that’s why. But my pdoc thinks, that now it’s mostly psychological what I have. And they shake heads, cause they all don’t know what to give me more and say to pay efforts now…
Do you think, that we can get better only with efforts mostly? I won’t stop my zyprexa, but to count on efforts in sz?? it’s possible?
Once my pdoc said, that my zyprexa can work in years, but maybe it’s a lie… I take it since 5 years. But only this ap doesn’t make me crazier than I am and got me out of bed… only this one… the side effects of the others were unbearable for me…
But I was so much in emotional pain, who turns to be physical even, that I turn desperate still…
Tbh, my friends say to me to not go in the hospital, cause they can’t help somatics or negatives. I’ve been 9 times in a hospital, I never didn’t get out by an inch better from that… I was quite hateful before too, verbally aggressive, my friends say that I am not like that anymore and this, because of the zyprexa…
But just this question, do you count on your efforts mostly now in order to get better? Where do you find the strength to believe, that you can feel better in such a heavy disease only with efforts?
I would be glad though if you believe yourself to that point it’s confidence too, smth opposite to the helplessness in which I am I guess
but I still don’t believe in myself enough… I don’t know why I believed so much in the meds before, but I tried only this for 10 years and I am not so much better. Now I am trying the life, but idk if I’ll feel better with these famous “efforts”…
@Anna1 I’m glad the med that you’re on at least does something for you. I am on Abilify, they just put me up to 15 mg last week, and so far nothing has changed. If anything, the voices have gotten worse.
I do believe that little efforts help. When I am stressed, I will stop everything and take 5 or 10 deep breaths. This helps calm me down a little bit. I do a very light exercise routine every morning, with a bit of stretching for the physical pain. It doesn’t have to be a grand effort, just something small. It really depends what you can handle.
I can well imagine what you’re going through, I feel for you I really do. I’m glad you’re on the board talking about it, rather than just sitting alone with it. I hope it helps to reach out
Well, my somatics (the physical pain) are just the manifestation of my emotional pain…and when it happens, it’s pure hell… Did you see some schizophrenics, who were scared to death by paranoia and were even in physical pain? This is how sz the most often is, right?
My ex pdoc was saying, that my sz is particularly painful…
Idk, I’ll pray that the zyprexa will explode my head one day for the better lol… tbh, I feel nothing special on it…
Do you think, that my pain will stop one day if I continue walking through life? I worry cause I was in pain almost all my life. I even think, that I was diagnosed very late too… maybe that’s why the meds don’t help… my dad was just occupied to beat my mom and my sister, it was far from him to have a mentally ill kid and he wouldn’t have been able to deal with that, he would have probably beaten me too…
Anyway. Does the hell in my head always hurts like that? Sz hurts so much?
I also didn’t achieve the quiet mind lol… maybe I should work on that… but an isolation of 20 years, pushes you to think about lots of bad stuff
OK, I’ll be here on the forum, share your opinions on my questions pls if you can
I turned scared from the pain after the fact, that I endure it since decades… I am not sure I can handle it anymore… or maybe I start to be pussed off by it, which would be better? I was docile, quiet and given up before, just enduring it all too lol…
Big hugs @Cragger
There is a whole range of schizophrenia, my friend used to rent rooms to 2 young guys who were born challenged and with schizophrenia. They would be on the extreme end of the spectrum. They were both sweethearts to talk to, by the way. I truly enjoyed their company
Obviously with your history of Trauma from childhood, things are going to be worse for you whether you had schizophrenia or not. That’s a lot for a child to take on. I grew up in a very rough neighbourhood, and grew up watching people do things to their kids that should have landed them in jail for Life. Thankfully, nothing like that happened at home. So I can relate, to a point. I had a couple of traumas during childhood as well
But as long as you’re talking about it, you’re not done yet. I don’t know if it helps any, but someone said to me if you can’t have faith, you can accomplish the Same by simply calmly resisting the urge to doubt.
What got me through was the saying, take it one day at a time. From the place I was at, it was often one moment at a time. It was very hard to survive
I hope something I say is a little bit useful. If nothing else, it’s been a pleasure chatting. I hope you will keep coming back? It’s okay to hurt, that’s why we’re here
Oh OK, thank you again
Tbh, I feel sick since kid, but my family thinks that it’s not because of my traumas, but genetic…
My dad developed a psychosis in the end of his life too in fact…
But it’s still hard for me to be the relative of someone, who probably done many bad things
I also always had problems talking, while I was boiling inside of me, that I can’t impose myself… but I didn’t want to impose with anger or irritability from which I suffer, so I remained quiet…
Yeap, my sz is severe… I have hard negative symptoms too, tough paranoia and on the top of this - this conversion disorder (its the body symptoms from the sz)…
We’ll see. Thanks though for being so good to me
Maybe I’ll always be special, which I didn’t want before, but I had enough of my pain so I’ll take now already even being different only if I’ll be in less pain and happier
OK, I’ll continue trying, maybe my zyprexa can work even after 5 years, no?
I’ll be here on the forum yeap . One friend told me, that I am mostly the slave of my vices now and I thought that maybe this is true for real now…
I am a good person in fact, but I carry the bitterness still in me, the hate, the anger, the jealousy I guess my sz just turned deeper… the docs say, that the final stages of it are the psychopathy
But I was blaming myself on that for long… and I was getting paranoid about that…
So I need you still a lot to put me on the right path, not being shocked, that I am so bitter or hateful or negative, cause I’ve really lost my mind 20 years ago… I also can’t believe right now that someone can love me
probably it’s hard for my loved ones to love me, while I can’t even experience love or be happy with the present moment lol…
Oh, I’ve became also numb and I’ve lost the ability to think wisely, reasonably too… yeah, I even don’t realize yet, that I am in hell and I am blind for something else lol…
OK, we’ll talk again I always excuse in advance, that I sound probably crazy but yeah, that’s how dumb I am
I took now a benadryl, it calms down nicely lol…
Hugs, see ya
I had lost all my friends in the first year, got better with FAMILY support. Just family, thank god for them, even the mean ones helped in some way.