I think it’s interesting cos it’s all about energy and I wonder if we are all connected in some way apart from the obvious like feelings and stuff like ziss.
I mean like are we connected some other ways too, everyone.???as in the human population
And what is energy?
These topics make me curious
“If you think you understand quantum mechanics , you don’t understand quantum mechanics .”
- Richard Fenyman
Wow that’s deep @everhopeful
Seriously I do want to know opinions though. I’m not in the mood to read a book atm.
It’s good to kill delusions. Just in case. U know wat I mean?
A problem shared is a problem halved
Or quartederd or whatever a problem sliced into watevar amount
I think we’re all connected spiritually which would make our energy connected too.
I think we all might be too but I would love to know how, if so.
Quantum mechanics - in fact quantum physics (the more complete extension) is at the foundation of our understanding how Nature works. Human consciousness is an emergent phenomenon, which is many layers of complexity removed from the quantum foundations. Objects in Nature agglomerate and form more and more complex “units,” which exhibit emergent characteristics that are not (simply) reducible to their constituents. Human collective consciousness (if such a thing exists at all) is yet another layer of complexity removed, and so even less reducible to the foundations.
It seems pretty obvious that thing we regard as “consciousness” emerges at a level of description many orders of magnitude above the quantum level. Even if there are some quantum processes happening at the very “bottom” of the causal chain of events that results in human consciousness, those quantum processes won’t be essential to understanding the phenomenon of consciousness, because consciousness is something that emerges many layers of organization above that.
The example I sometimes give is this – Imagine there was a 3 block area of your city that was plagued with traffic jams every day of the year, and you wanted to know why. Would you hire a city planner? Or would you hire a chemist to examine the properties of brake fluid under a microscope? Because after all, cars stop because of brake fluid, there is no denying that! Since traffic jams wouldn’t happen without brake fluid, obviously we should learn all we can about it, right?
Yes, brake fluid is at the bottom level of the causal chain of events that leads to a traffic jam. But you will never learn anything important about traffic jams by studying brake fluid, because a traffic jam is an emergent phenomenon that takes place many layers of organization above the stopping of a single car. Likewise for quantum mechanics and consciousness.
I watched a youtube video about it, couldn’t quite wrap my head around. Right now I can’t even remember it.
“Quantum computing”…
That’s all I got verbal long term memory.
I haven’t read this yet but thanks for the informative answer.
I think it was Carl Jung who I remember saying that he believes how principles in smaller things also arise in the things above that, and above that etc. so e.g., from quantum scale, to atomic scale, to whatever next scale.
He also believed in synchronicity and the collective unconscious but this stuff is not proven and is therefore not something that is confirmed but just maybe ideas that are interesting to me because it makes one feel like there’s maybe some kind of universal connection…I want to emphasize on the maybe though because I don’t want to trigger delusions etc.
Approaching Psychosis through Quantum Physics
are you talking about a grand design bc this fascinates me too, i believe in a spiritual matrix (not electronic like the film) how everything is preplanned, preconceived for the greater good, the only problem is that bad things happen and that’s the hard thing about it.
I don’t understand that because how can a grand design for the greater good leave people out in places like Syria who are shot down by some bombs stuff like that, I don’t know but yea sometimes I do feel like what if there’s some kind of collective thing that connects everyone somehow.
thats the problem everyone has with the grand design, they all think its not designed very well,
nothing is perfect as far as i know i guess thats why bad things happen, it does go deeper than that but i dont think the answers are what anybody including me were expecting,
it is very strange but you have to acknowledge evil in the world in order to make sense of it,
such is my understanding,
i like dabbling with chaos theory but i would argue that it is less chaos and more designed like sometimes the flaws are suppose to be there type thing. still a hard subject to realise as flaws could be interpreted in lots of different ways.
Maybe there’s certain kind of afterlife for people depending on their life on earth.
I don’t know though don’t want to encourage delusions!!