I had a thought yesterday

That the human race shares a collective consciousness and the main thing separating us in our thoughts is our filters. Our inhibitors and dis-inhibitors.

Like we all share one universal mind but some of us block out certain things, others choose to tune in to certain things.

This seems more possible with the internet, tv and media connecting us all together.


does sound a bit delusional or maybe just over thinking things, it would be nice if we all had more things in common with each other though :slight_smile:

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Graham Hancock talks/writes alot about consciousness. One theory is that the consciousness comes like a wave from outside the body. And that the brain is like a receiver.

Well that’s how I got the message, u should check out his works. Interesting stuff.


I like his stuff on ancient civilizations. Like the amazon he had some interesting stuff to say. Yeah I like him I’ll check what he has to say on consciousness:)

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There is a non-local quantum physics theory of consciousness

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some of this can be scary, like when all of us in the movie theater together

taking in the same movie, it can be called Hood Winked.

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we have gr8 minds imo

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Reminds me of Carl jung he talks about collective unconscious I need to read up on him again.

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Cool cool. During my last pbreak I felt I tapped into the collective consciousness.

Kind of messed me up

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You ever seen the movie Slither? That’s an example of collective consciousness.

I’m not sure if any insects in real life have hive minds or anything like that, but you see it in science fiction a lot.

EDIT: Oh dang, I just read that James Gunn wrote and directed Slither, it was his directorial debut.

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Yeah, I have those every now and then.

I guess so. There is definitely a lot of progress to made still within metaphysics and consciousness.

That is a hypothesis is quantum physics too! But it may also be the early warning signs of a delusion. But I guess it depends on how certain you are.

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