i like to think so, i believe my dad and my gran including our last dog are in heaven waiting for me
i hear you
i like to think so, i believe my dad and my gran including our last dog are in heaven waiting for me
i hear you
I’m not sure. It’s something like a + b = 5s? Or something like that.
Scientists study more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.
I’m starting to wonder if I am in the matrix. I keep noticing coincidences that can’t be explained by normal arguments. I don’t know very much about quantuum mechanics, but I do know that they have conducted thousands of experiments and made thousands of observations of quantuum mechanics, and every single one was entirely consistent with the theory of quantuum mechanics. The field of quantuum computing is also murky and fascinating.
What is quantum computing?
That’s what happened to me every time as a build up to psychosis full blown (it’s happened twice).
So I’m quite weary of when I notice coincidences.
Psychosis is not a joke to me anymore like it was at the start before all the hell stuff etc., started.
At the same time I can’t help but wonder about things that people like Jung talked about it makes the mind quite curious. I just don’t want to wonder off into lala land.
I have noticed coincidences once in a while away from psychosis too, unless that was all part of the psychosis in some earlier days or just a coincidence full stop.
I don’t know, exactly, but I do know that computers that use quantuum mechanics could be amazingly powerful. There has to be several technological breakthroughs before quantuum computing becomes practical.
I’m sure Sean Carroll knows QM pretty well. He’s probably one who could tell you what Richard Feynman meant about “nobody knowing quantum mechanics”. Same with Leonard Susskind.
Then you have a lot of people (including myself) that think there’s something spiritual going on with quantum mechanics and/or the brain.
I also believe we live in a matrix created by reptilians/annunaki.
basically if you want to visualize quantum you could look into some string theory vids…
It’s really not beneficial beyond the tease of maybe having insight. More like art via higher math than it is a true window into quantum and subquantum physical processes.
Gravity still communicates faster than light… which is quirky but does indicate that FTL communication does exist. I think that more reflects the nature of space itself than it does any quantifiable particular element.
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