Just Saying. Quantum mechanics in every density of f equaling ma. And the natural amplification and reductions of quantum entanglement in every density of all physics. Including patterns of light becoming info and stored by your grey matter like in computers and re-amplified by our electrical current in our bodies like in computers also. Then there is negative patterns around everything that hold the same information and or can be used as new and or conflicting info or “pictures” in your subconscious or dreams. This negative pattern, space, absolute zero, nothing is acted upon both first and secondarily giving instant communication and or why photon spin when measured on the same parallel after splitting then going opposite directions has the spooky connection or instant opposite turn.
This is a theory I am working on.
This may be how we hear voices and how the misunderstanding information and intentional misuse of telepathic communication in just another density of Energy Frequency and Vibration Works.
(Edit: Name removed by Moderator)
What do you think.
I don’t understand any of this, but maybe it’ll make sense to someone else. I just wanted to say welcome to the forum!
I think a med adjustment is a great idea. Welcome to the community.
Pharamone Theory.
Densities of like and or unlike informations that you have acquired throughout your life, densities that have become common knowledge or instincts and your possible mates knowledge interacting with each other just like all other masses and magnetism. Those combining and or repelling quantum mechanically in all densities the being processed by your eyes, ears, nose, mouth hands then your over all energy processor or light processer (Your Brain).
TNT =.=…=>.<=…+f=ma+…=>.<=…=.
It’s math, > . <.
And yes, humans make me sad too. History is harsh and so is the present.
This also physically explains the bipolar effect of emotion ( groups of people with like info and emotions and or individuals naturally effecting all others this way). The GROUP EFFECT can act like sonar or condensed sound cause you to experience Bipolar effects.
I’m working on fixing the “blown motor” with intelligence Doc. Not giving the patient with a 2 stitch cut a band aid and blood thinner.
Some drugs like a may be temporarily useful but in the long run complete understanding of all the physics of the issue and then being properly informed so as to be able to make the rational choices seems like our best best as curbing the adverse effects of Schizophrenia.
Thanks for hurting the cause bud.
Curing Schizophrenia, not causing it is my objective.
Same here! 161515151515
Alrighty then! In any case, welcome again.
No big deal. We exist in a 4D environment known as space-time. However, we are confined to the 'NOW" time, thus we are limited to a 3D reality, not a 4D reality.
So when we simple 3D people see a 4D event occur, it seems bizarre to us.
Two particles are seen to be entangled at great distances apart to us, but from a 4D space-time point of view, they are not separate at all.
Simply put, there are two sets of laws of physics.
- Our 3D physics.
- Space-time 4D physics.
From the 4D point of view, everything is seen, and everything is.
But, the 3D reality has to occur first. What is seen from the complete 4D point of view is the result of all of the 3D event occurances. This all that is, can be determined by us all.
Complete gibberish. But I think the same can be said about me…
Ya time only being a tool of measurement and alternate planes only being possible in thought or combing overlapping patterns of light in different densities IS kind of hard for the creationists to wrap there mind around. Plus then theres just the natural Alpa levels and defenses applied in thought or telepathic Energy Frequency and Vibration that tend to hinder also.
Ty for your response.
Hey insideman, I analyzed “motion” to determine what it is.
By the end of my analysis of motion I had derived all of Einstein’s theory of special relativity mathematical equations all on my own. I did so despite having absolutely no prior physics education due to being a high school dropout.
By the way, my hair is all grey now.
Welcome to the forum! It’s okay that you’re trying to find a logical and valid explanation to why we hear voices. So many of us have tried to find a way to say we have telepathy, truth is at this point telepathy has not been proven to be real without using some sophisticated technology. The only empirical evidence of the possibility of telepathy involves using a technological headset. The experiment involved using symbols to guide another person in a sort of video game. I’m sure if you Google it, you’ll find it.
With that being said, it was impossible without the headset. So as far as science has explained telepathy without any external means is impossible. I know many of us would hope it turns out we are telepathic and not all that ill. It sadly is not so. I’d advise you to follow through with proper treatment involving medication and a licensed psychiatric professional because if I am to be 100% honest, a lot of what you’ve mentioned appears to be word salad or gibberish. I don’t mean to offend you. It just doesn’t seem like a coherent train of thought.
Don’t get me wrong, I too would rather be a misunderstood telepath than a schizophrenic. It just isn’t the case and encouraging delusions is against the rules. Again, sorry if I come off as rude or am a little too blunt. Telepathy just isn’t possible without technology according to proven science.
Again Theorizing here. And yes my first response to any so called voice is to think do I recognize that voice. If I do, could it be a voice memory of a friend… and I’m just thinking what I think there advise or comment may be. Then also prove everything.
I’m really good with Art (1art), do you understand negative patterns, positive patterns, how color relates to emotion, how music and television waves and pixels multiply, stack, build, amplify and or how to profile art or how the artistic mind visualizes then stacks pictures until it ( I ) find the innovation that is practicle.
Drugs are only temp fixes man. I looking to replace the motor.
JFI I just described how to visualise quantum entanglement and apply it in all densities. Including Telepathy aka Cave Man aka the base of all communication thought and intelligence in my theorem.
Are you Pharm Rep?
Nope, I’m not a pharmacy rep. sorry if I came off as a little judgy. It is just that a lot of what you wrote reminded me of myself when I was off meds.
I know seeking a logical explanation to the voices is something any rational human being would do. I think many of us here have tried to find some logic whether it be the false belief of demonic possession, telepathy, etc. Regarding the voices many of us have tried to find a way to explain their existence.
I myself used to have a delusion that either I was hearing words from far away, hearing thoughts (as well as broadcasting them), or even having near exact similar thoughts with another person whether it be at the same time or throughout the period of a day or sometimes a week. The last one is still somewhat reasonably plausible. Suppose there is a day when a particular experience happened. Say Christmas, well it’s only natural people would be thinking about one or two past Christmases.
That’s just an example. Anyway, as for hearing people from long distances or some form of exuding brain chemical or vibration (which I myself used to loosely describe it as) in the end it does not really matter. What matters is that we hear voices and they can definitely have a negative impact on a particular person’s life. With all that being said, in the end no matter what you might present as a theory or how much a person might try to rationalize the source of the voices, in modern society we are considered mentally ill for having what are called auditory hallucinations.
With that label especially the diagnosis called schizophrenia (and it’s many forms) there is a stigma; a form of prejudice if you will, against us. People uneducated in such a rare psychiatric disorder will be quick to misjudge us as violent or dangerous people. The media doesn’t help our case nor does the fact that even some medical professionals even in the psychiatric field, usually do not speak highly of we who have to suffer a mental illness.
I’m sure once they’re in their personal time away from work, the majority would prefer not to associate with us. I’d imagine sometimes they may speak badly about us when asked by friends and family what it feels like to work with schizophrenics. I’d like to imagine there aren’t many professionals who react that way, but the few who do, definitely do not help our battle with the stigma.
Anyway, without straying too far off the topic, I’d like to offer some friendly advice. I’d suggest you refrain from trying to explain your theory without proper evidence. People here are very accepting and understanding and you’re more than welcome to share your thoughts and keep posting on these forums. In fact, I’d highly encourage that as I stated before, you remind me of myself some years ago hah. One thing I should mention however, is that even though I understand your attempt to rationalize what are known symptoms of a mental illness, encouraging people’s delusions is against the rules here.
In short, if a person here believes they’re telepathic we’re not supposed to say, “Yes, you are.” The basis of the forum is to find support. Sometimes that includes remind people of what is collectively real (and I use that term loosely) as opposed to what the “reality” is in someone’s head i.e. delusions. It’s okay, everyone is an individual, no two people are alike, people will have a differing opinions. All that is okay, otherwise it would be boring. Sorry for the long winded post.
One last thing I’d like to add, with all due respect of course, from your posts you come across as an intelligent well-mannered person who is suffering with the delusion that is telepathy. That one is hard to shake, many of us here still deal with it. Don’t worry so much about it. I know I might have been a bit too harsh early on. If there is anything else to be said, welcome to the club! You’ll fit right in. Don’t even get me started on aliens.
Thanks for the reply. As far as me ( I think you inferred that I may be causing delusional thinking and actions) I’m Not the Religious Leaders that sell a physically impossible to experience afterlife in an aternate plane and a friend that you can only feel and or seance with you mind, in your imagination. Then scare every as many people into my cult with an imaginary bad guy and or help them in with an imaginary good guy.
I’m explaining in MY Theorism the Science of how it could be and in some ways if not all, exactly how it happens.
But good luck your submission and Stockholms to the Religious, Government Intelligence, and self.
@1art. This is a support forum. It’s ok to post about your delusions or unusual beliefs in a recovery context where folks can offer support to you in combatting your delusions. It’s not OK to post about delusions to try to garner support for your delusions.
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