we know that quantum physics is real, and it is confusing fully grasp at first. We also know that we are schizophrenics with some of us long into the process schizophrenia past the hardest part and others of us new to the process like old timers and younger folks with more experience to the world’s ways and our learners finding their ways upward. Maybe some of the old timers per se have had a look at the subject, and have some insight they can share. I’m willing to share my insight too.
I recall some years ago when I was much more schizophrenic or I should say I was much more fuzzy minded that comprehending quantum consciousness was hard. I was also not as learned about the world like I am now. Now when I take a look back at the subject of quantum consciousness with a much more clear mind and with much more comprehension of people dynamics in how we are inside and outside historically, presently, and around the world, now the subject of quantum consciousness seems not only clearer in my mind. The subject seems applicable to my sense of being. To me it helps with my comprehension of my experiences from ordinary experiences in my daily routines and with other people to my positive symptoms which are what has drawn us to this schizophrenic board. Our positive symptoms being schizophrenic ones that are confusing.
So I said to myself, what the heck, and I started the topic here. Does anyone think anything or wonder anything about quantum consciousness? Any good links or videos that you know about? I know some good links which are very soothing to listen to which are related to quantum consciousness. I suggest having a look at the scientist Stuart Hameroff’s videos on youtube.
I don’t know about Quantum physics. But I read in physics book that an electron some time behave as a material and some time as a ion. I don’t know more than this. As a schizophrenic I don’t able to find any consciousness about this, but I want to know more.
It’s a link to my youtube search for, “Quantum Consciousness.” The Stuart Hameroff videos are the best stuff I’ve found out of all of the material about this and basic quantum physics. He’s easy to understand. Maybe do a search on Quantum Physics too. Basically when you start to learn about subjects, you know how it is. It takes days, weeks, or longer. That’s how it is for me. But we have this thread started, and it’ll be waiting for you.
I only have a vague acquaintance with Quantum Mechanics. I know a few of its more esoteric properties. I also know that quantum computers could be extremely powerful computers, but it will take a few technological breakthroughs before quantum computers become practical. I don’t know about quantum consciousness. There are a lot of things I am seeing around me that seem next to impossible. I’m starting to wonder if I will wake up from some kind of suspended animation and encounter an entirely new reality. What I am seeing is just part of a dream. Maybe it has something to do with some kind of quantum consciousness.
I watched that whole video and I’ve read a bunch on consciousness before including dennet and penrose. I’m not sure if I can latch onto the idea that some microtubuals are the answer or even the idea that this quantum collapse causes consciousness but it was interesting to see him go thru all the history of how he got to where he is.
Particularly I had/have an interest in godel’s incompletness theory which actually helped me overcome a major major issue with my voices. It would be a goal of mine to write a synopsis of the theory for easy understanding and explain how it could be used for others to break out of the mold of being subjugated to there voices. Not sure at all if it will work for others but it worked for me.
[quote=“Moonbeam, post:23, topic:87242, full:true”] @DMAdataANDmoodanalysis. The vast majority of scientists do not support the idea of quantum consciousness. That is because the idea of quantum consciousness is a highly speculative theory at best, and there has been no concrete evidence to-date validating this theory.[/quote]
There is also a big difference between proposing a theory that the brain itself may act as a quantum computer and proposing a theory that consciousness has something to do with quantum physics.
Since the brain is tangible, one can at least attempt to test scientific theories involving the brain and try to demonstrate concrete scientific evidence of the theory being tested.
Since consciousness is intangible, it is pretty much impossible to test scientific theories involving consciousness. Without concrete proof, these theories remain just someone’s creative ideas with no scientific basis to back them up.
The same is true to propose the theory that anything is not a product of quantum physics when we know that the universe’s particles and wave functions that construct all phenomena are quantum in their underpinnings. To say what is not of the quantum phenomenon is as hard as saying what is, so says you. I’ll go with that one just as hard with ya. Thanks. Ya, you’re right. These ideas need helpers to think about it, and based on my experiences actually being a schizophrenic for almost 2 decades and learning as much as I have about people through study I’m curious to see if this anyone might have thought something like I’ve thought about our inexplicable experiences and the inexplicable consciousness in general. And since you know we can’t just say that everything is based on quantum physics proven thousands of times since Einsteins days, then we schizophrenic folks could be thinking about it since we’re all here thinking about the exact same stuff.
Nobody says to us that we are just ordinary mentally speaking, and they are right. They can see that we are of different qualia, and it’s the kind of qualia that forces us to pay special attention to the ways of the inner soul within ourselves and with a unique perspective on others inner qualia. I know that ever since I had been hurt by schizophrenia, I only wanted to understand everyone else and how they were thinking so I could understand how I was not thinking right even though before I was schizophrenic I was thinking okay according to everyone and myself. I liken it to being lost in the desert. Once being lost there, you become familiar. Once surveying the entire terrain passionately for a decade, you become expert. Once regaining your place where you are from, you have a whole new perspective. That’s the kind of thing I’m looking for in this thread. So I’m calling on others alike to get what they have to say about the subject, and we’re going to see if we turn up anything new under the sun. Share what the other hasn’t thought of yet, and that kind of activity. It may take months, but a problem as fundamental as quantum physics and consciousness is a problem worth working on indefinitely.
I used to be an athlete and body builder working at it more than 40 hours a week. I’ve always been a very physical guy until a few years ago when I put everything into the internet lifestyle to make money and research.
LOL I was never as large as that pic. He uses roids. There’s absolutely no way to achieve that size and definition without roids.
This is an interesting topic. Although Moonbeam says the brain is tangible, it is very difficult to perform quantum experiments on a live brain. (Scientists struggle to confirm Alzheimer’s and dementia because they can’t open up your skull until death.) Until we have better imaging capabilities, much of the claims about the connection between quantum physics and schizophrenia will remain untested. However, I’d like to shift the conversation from one of deficit (per Penrose, our microtubules are somehow not functioning correctly when the quantum superposition collapses) to one of surfeit––our brains are more active at attracting quantum superposition. Check out this paper: “Probabilistic approach to consciousness and Hallucination” by Omid Rezania , which claims that because our observations are so different, others’ observations of quantum events, which collapse the Hilbertian probabilities in the quantum realm and produce a confirmable reality, do not collapse our probability waves to zero. Hence, hallucinations and other positive symptoms. Also, this British forum, Quantum Mind, (sorry can’t post links) is interesting. One writer claims that the quantum logic (multiple answers at once instead of the tertium non datum, or excluded middle, logic we have carried with us since Aristotle) is more active in people with schizophrenia. You can find out more about quantum logic here: “Quantum-like logics and schizophrenia
S.A.Selesnick G.S.Owen.” What do you think?
Hi, @David_Vognar . Typically, we like to leave inactive threads alone and just start a new thread instead. This is different than how some forums are run, but we do it this way because it frequently upsets users to have old topics revived when they are no longer relevant. It can also be frustrating to the person who revived the thread when they don’t get a reply, because the original poster is no longer active or no longer finds the topic relevant. Feel free to start a new thread on this topic.