What's your religion?

One way I heard it said: “The world is my country. To do good is my religion.”

Asking questions. Not a welcomed activity.


Lapsed Catholic. I still believe in much of the teachings of the church, but I don’t go to church like I should. There are some things I don’t agree with that the church advocates…but I don’t want to open a whole box of worms here so I’ll just leave it at that.

Hey pixel you don’t gotta be Mormon or any organiZed religion ,being with God doesn’t require affiliation.

Im with 'The Church Of God ’ which is non denominations and we world wide and we’d love to have you bro.

Good. Orderly. Direction.

Got it covered. Thanks man.


I believe in a greater mystery behind the world’s religions. I don’t “know” what it is, and metaphysically I am open to different ways of looking at it, but I put my faith in Christianity for now, Christianity mind you really does not answer the mystery currently. According to the bible, the divine plan and mystery of God won’t be known until end times.

I was atheist for most of my life. The closest I come to atheism in mind set now is entertaining the notion of aliens being behind it.

I believe in Creator of this world, but I simply can’t stand the patriarchal, one dimensional, xenophobic, homophobic, bigoted and disabled-for-self criticism mind of every religion thus known.


Yeah there are many ways to look at that. The way I look at it , is my business is here and now and my future for as long as that’s relevant , that’s what my actions are based on , and I put my energy into that , I’m only in my late 30s , I don’t look forward to an afterlife , that’s just ridiculous.


You have a great outlook on life man…happiness is where it is.

atheism to me is a bit like the anti christ in a way, anti-God anti-Religion, science is not a religion so dont pin your hopes on that bag of monkies, hope that you make good choices in life and that its not THE end at the end of the day,

i myself much prefer eternal life but hey ‘who am i to argue’ if you dont want to live forever then thats up to you, there are rules and you have to follow the rules, not laws just general life rules like ‘you shall not kill’ and you shall not steal etc,

what kind of rules does an atheist follow i wonder apart from ‘i shall not believe in God’

sorry if i’m being a bit brash but there are some very good points to be mad and you have to make a distinction between the two.

i hold to a strong spirituality but i don’t believe/follow any religion or system - it’s all fingers pointing to the moon - it’s all largely myth, symbol, analogy & metaphor. Why look at the sky through one window in a house - step outside & see the whole thing.

It is a misunderstanding to think that atheism is a religion. It is something else entirely. Even if a few sad atheists make atheism the center of their interest, it’s still only an obsession, not a religion. Religions have a list of rules which they preach and atheism does not … at all.


My main problem with religion is all the nihilism. Even buddhism is some thoroughly nihilistic stuff. Often it just boils down to worshipping death by rejecting life. But I’m not going to attack peoples personal beliefs. It’s the organized stuff that is rotten.

Edit: Maybe it looks like I’m against belief in a god or afterlife… I’m not against belief, I just think it should be more personal and less authoritative. Too much organization of beliefs leads to bad things.

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you are shallow, sorry .

So if you didn’t have a god telling you not to kill, steal, rape, and pillage you would go out and do it? Because that says a hell of a lot more about you than it does atheists. I don’t need some old book and fear of hell to tell me not to be an ■■■■■■■. Sorry if you do.

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Firstly you need to KNOW the meaning of Nihilism.

Definition of Nihilism - Deliberate need of Suffering and/or desire to suffer in a wrong way so that one can attain a joy out of it.

None of our Buddhists are Nihilists. And I might say none of the other religionists.

We do not invite Suffering nor do we get pleasure in Suffering. But we Buddhists are REALISTS. We do not take the Support of God and/or Religion. We meditate and try to understand the nature of Reality. AND BELIEVE ME MEDITATION IS HARD…VERY VERY HARD…it is not an easy job.

But we do this job inorder to get more wise.

We do NOT BELIEVE IN Karma…but try to see if Karma is REAL by LIVING OUR LIFE and not killing ourselves.

Now you are WELCOME to call us as NIHILISTS.

But I will not use such words for you.

who says i’m going to steal and rape or whatever anyway, my religion is all about love and trust and happiness, i would say that you were more likely to do those things than me because my practice is dead against those things and what have you got telling you what is right or wrong? just what you have been taught and passed down through your family, now tell me where did they learn those things?

i dont think just because i believe in something if it was taken away i would be a raving murderer or anything.