My religion is that as long as you don’t f***k with me I won’t f***k wit you…I don’t need no bells and wistles to define me.
I walk the adverse path.
Im not really much of a religious person, but I find that Lucifer is a great ideal. this comes from being miserable as a christian for many years.
Lucifer IS a great motivational factor ,but just as a herding dog,cults and ignorant will use him to keep you in line with their doctorine .
It comes down to free will so just CHOOSE to be a good person and you have nothing to fear from lucifer.
I’m christian, but don’t like most christians. I read the bible and I pray and that’s my spirituality. I do not condone religion altogether because of all the hypocrits.
None of the above.
I am a blend really, from 46 years of searching. I go to a Unitarian-Universalist Church, and I attend a Buddhist Sangha on the same grounds, those are my community associations. Beyond that I have come to the conclusion through research, science and logic, that there is spiritual realm and levels of powers extending to The Source or Creator. I have seen evidence of an afterlife and reincarnation. I do not follow gods or goddesses, though I try to respect them. The Earth is a higher power in my life and I treat her with respect and attempt to live in harmony with all of her children. My spiritual practice involves meditation and prayer, some shamanic journeying, and I always try to be compassionate and loving for I know it to be the Prime Mover and point to my existence. I have other practices as well.
I have gone through many stages to be where I am, periods of agnosticism, theism, and atheism. I am still open and searching for truth as long as it does not violate my core tenets.
Born Agnostic, now consider myself a Theist. I used to identify as a Deist for the longest time, but found it to be contradictory to what I actually was believing & experiencing in reality.
As far as “religion” is concerned, I have none. I have decided to abstain from religion until I have come back to life. If I survive death, I will develop my own personal religion and stay a recombinant monastic/vagrant person.
I really don’t have anything else to gain by living, at least not much. God will have to create a new nature or form of conscience for me in order to feel “alive” again. I think I’m essentially just waiting around for that - my “new nature & life” in a “new world”.
I am a Mormon. I find it to be a pretty good religion.
I used to be a Jehovah’s Witness. It, too, was a good religion, but filled with too many traditions & too many judgments against non-believers.
I mean, seriously. Some people are working equally as hard, if not more, to gain God’s favor in other religions or in non-religious sectors, yet JW’s would believe only they were worthy of everlasting life.
That is not at all what Mormons believe.
No religion here , atheist Brought up in a christian house though. When I saw the most seemingly godly individuals on the planet , commit the most heinous crimes, and got away with it for decades , it was time to pack it in.
Its playing on peoples most desperate of fears. Fear of death , fear of poor luck , fear of disease , just a racket , I’m afraid…
Fear of hell is what it comes down to.-
I’m Wiccan, despite having been raised mormon
Dunno about that , hell is very much outdated , don’t know anyone personally, that fears going to hell , I know plenty though that fear no justice , no life after death , the idea that one will cease to exist
You sound like my pop…he says that we pay our taxes and then we check out …into nothingness…he has a dark after life to look forward to.
No, he has nothing to look forward to if he doesn’t believe there actually is an afterlife.
Current status alternates between Doofus Agnostic, Jedi, or Pastafarian.
Depends on who I’m trying to annoy. The only religion I ever belonged to in a longstanding and serious way was The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (Mormon Church.) That didn’t go as well as it could have – got excommunicated some years back.
If there is a god, why would he let their be such disease? Maybe I’m wrong, but I can’t bring myself to believe or worship somebody that put these voices in my head.
Why did you get excommunicated? I think I am on that track also.