Do you believe in God....?


I do believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I consider myself to be Christian. But not in the typical sense.

I also follow many teachings of Buddhism and Wicca. I find wisdom and help in all three religions.

I don’t go to church anymore however. I grew up in church and was even the pianist of my church for a few years. But I experienced a lot of judgment for not being “normal.” I also saw a lot of other people being judged. So it left me with a bad taste for churches.

I’ve tried many new ones, but have not yet found one that I feel comfortable in. I would love to find one, though. I do miss the great sermons, music, and fellowship.



Yes i believe in God, and recently i began reading the Bible.

Earlier this year, I watched The Bible series on the History Channel. It was an awesome production of bible stories, with terrific acting and special effects. Watching the entire series kind of renewed my faith in miracles and healing.

And I downloaded the Bible app for iPhone (I think they make versions for more platforms too). It has all kinds of cool features and bible study plans.

I highly recommend the series and the app!



Yes, but I don’t believe in bullying others with blackmailing them to hate everything not like them or face outcast to a hell that doesn’t exist.

I like the feeling of the presence of god and the holy spirit. I still don’t know if it’s real, but I like it anyway.

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i believe in an order to the universes, and i have seen a heaven and hell but i do not believe in god nor a devil.
i have seen a creature and talk to a creature that certainly looks and talks like the devil, but i know it is not him , though he is certainly the keeper of hell !
take care

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Few days ago i was watching Christian channel they were telling a story about a person who had schizophrenia and was touched by the God love and he been cured, its been many years past and he became a paster and the psychosis never returned.

I consider myself a fighter for the lord’s purpose–however i may be wrong…I feel blessed a bit.
the voices were/are religious in nature…lucid dreaming taking out monsters wearing human masks.
calling his name–fantastic adventure!..but I still feel abandoned—sick…

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Yes, i do, and have seen several spirits.

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not being cynical but the guy probably had acute sz which only lasts a short time.
i heard a supposed sz tell a story he had been cured, he had acute sz for 7 months, wow i was laughing , and he was telling me “oh you don’t no what hell i was going through”.
don’t you just love it when you get people who think they have gone through worse things than you !
take care


I definitely do believe in god. Im way to scared not to. Religion has always been a main factor for my delusion. However Idont attend church. Theres so many people there and I feel like everyones looking at me and judging me. Its a really uncomfortable feeling.

I believe too. I go to church but probably would not if i was hallucinating. I feel comfortable going right now and like to get a good message. My church is more of a liberal lutheran church. They’ve even talked about schizohprenia and how it is not evil spirits but a mental health problem in church. I like going to church but i don’t do a lot of talking too other people while i’m there, I’m not in a bible study class or anything. I do feel come christians are a little judgemental and right wing like and i wouldn’t confide in many about my political beliefs or my health problems. But christians are like anybody you will find some you like and some you don’t.

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I’ve been dealing with one of those now. New guy in the SZ/AA group. Making many of us a bit nervous. He’s been through it all, worse then everyone in the group combined. Even menopause. :wink:

But he found god and with in one year, he’s cured and now wants to help save us all. :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m not a confrontational guy, I don’t usually smart mouth off to strangers. But I’m getting that urge again.

My parents are teachers. My Mom is a science/math teacher. We don’t have much on the way of religious roots.

I’d probably feel a little more open to religion if I didn’t see so much hate and intolerance from God’s representation here on earth. I try to keep an open mind, but then I meet some hateful bag of wind preacher and I just walk away.


I believe in a higher power of my own choosing that has helped me stay clean and sober for the past 24 years.


Of course I do believe in god, god had helped me through the worst times through this illness…

Yeah, I don’t like religions that are intolerant of other religions and think they’re religion is right and everybody else is wrong. I don’t like people who ram their religion down my throat and try to convert me. I’m far from perfect but I realy don’t care about what other people worship or believe in. It’s all fine with me. Someone can believe that Zues is running the universe from a jeweled throne above Akron, Ohio for all I care, lol. I will never believe that but hey, that’s the persons right.


I’m a proud Atheist. I grew up in a religious household, and could never go back to that way of thinking.
I don’t judge or scoff at people who’ve found or have religious beliefs.
For me, religion causes far more harm than good.
I’ve been told that I can be cured of my ‘illness,’ if I only repent and embrace The Lord.
Thinking as a sceptic and scientist, this is something I could never do.


i’m a full believer, and offer up my past sufferings up as a form of repentance.

I believe in a collective energy.
I read up a lot about the Bahai religion. You might be interested.