I get horrible thoughts in my head from Alien. They’re aren’t mine but from him. I have these thoughts of killing things or hurting things but it’s not me it’s from Alien. Is this intrusive or inserted?
If you’re sufficiently ill, you can’t even associate the intrusive thoughts with your own subconscience, so they feel “alien”.
A middling level of unwellness makes the thoughts feel like your own again, but they’re still intrusive and annoying.
i learnt to control my thoughts and you can learn it too…OK
There’s no such thing as inserted thoughts just the feeling that thoughts are inserted. And that’s a symptom of schizophrenia for some people.
These are intrusive thoughts.
Intrusive thoughts are upsetting thoughts that you can’t control. Thought insertion is a delusion that your thoughts have been put into your head from some external source.
An inserted thought is when most often a sz patient believes a thought enters the mind from another agency.
’ Thought insertion ’ in schizophrenia involves somehow experiencing one’s own thoughts as someone else’s. Some philosophers try to make sense of this by distinguishing between ownership and agency: one still experiences oneself as the owner of an inserted thought but attributes it to another agency."
An intrusive thought is a thought that one has that causes distress that often gets stuck in the mind.
As you believe (wrongly) that your thought comes from an alien then it is an inserted thought.
Taking away your belief in aliens possessing your mind is probably unpersuadable to you, but it is your belief that sways the definition.
I have similar thought insertion by Lucifer
Alien’s thoughts in my head distress me but they don’t stick in my mind - they come and go, and are often followed by his voice taunting and threatening me. But not always fortunately.
That’s a good way to put it
I’m inclined to say it is a bit of both. Inserted because you think they come from aliens, and intrusive because they are, obviously, intrusive, but you don’t seem to feel that the thoughts are being inserted, and that feeling is crucial to the definition of thought insertion.
Another thing somewhat related is thought blocking or thought withdrawal. I lose my train of thought sometimes, but I don’t experience that my thoughts are being actively withdrawn. Do you feel like the thoughts are actively being inserted? Or do you just drift from one thought to another, partially related, thought?
In DID (dissociative identity disorder or MPD, multiple personality disorder) and DDNOS (dissociative disorder not otherwise specified) it is not unusual to have thoughts that seem to come from an alternative personality. I’ve experienced this at times, and it did not feel like the the thoughts were being “inserted” and they usually were not “intrusive”.
Whether thought insertion is solely an abnormal belief (or may also be an experience) is open to question.
I would say that thoughts that you don’t consider to be yours are inserted thoughts. In my case, schizophrenia inserts thoughts into my mind.
Yes I do - they aren’t just drifting thoughts but actually are placed in my head
I get thoughts taken out of my head too. I’d be thinking like normal - then bam! I’d go blank because it was taken away.
But I get thought insertion the most.
this I think is thought blocking.
Sounds like a bit of both.
Schizophrenia and possibly OCD.
But ask your doctor @Hadeda
OK, do you feel that some other entitiy (or entities) is doing this to you? Or is it just an “impersonal” symptom of a disorder?
I always thought intrusive thoughts are thoughts u prefer u didn’t have. And inserted thoughts are more severely psychotic, you feel like thoughts have literally been inserted in your mind and seem totally out of your control, somewhat
Does that not scare the crap out of you?
My doctor says that my intrusive thoughts are OCD. It’s very tiring to deal with them
@schizornot this is also irrelevant. What @Hadeda is describing here is thought withdrawal regardless of this. Just like with thought insertion.
It only matters that there is a delusion that thoughts are being inserted or removed by something external.