What smart(s) do you associate yourself with? Poll

Choose up to 5

  • Book smart
  • Street smart
  • Eq- emotional intelligence
  • Iq
  • Creative smarts
  • Experience smarts
  • Luck
  • Wisdom
  • Other: please share!

0 voters

I don’t know what you mean ? Could you be a little more accurate please.

Book smart- being well read
Street smart- having an ear to the streets, being able to ‘hustle’
Eq- having a handle on your/other’s emotions
Iq- taking knowledge and solving problems
Creative- skill in any activity
Experience- life skills from living
Wisdom- a collection of experiences usefully applied
Luck- acquiring any above smarts without effort ex. Bubba Gump Shrimp

-just a fun poll to see where forum members feel their brainy strengths are :brain:


Staying inside and hiding smarts.


Self preservation? Survival smarts…


I realized something: I am not any of the top (3) three smarts in comparison to other sz. I am shocked! Does anyone know how to pick up Eq points? Emotions are a real challenge for me.

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I didn’t vote cuz I consider I have like 3 of these.

idk. who knows themselves, anyway. ha.


Excellent daze. Self smarts.


I see there is a lot of creativity, and emotional intelligence here. Good you see!


Observation smarts. That’s a tough one for the sz, just look at 77Nick77’s tagline.

But yes, I do sense a empath community here with lots of artistically creative people. We are a special breed, aren’t we?


I’ve had full cognitive testing done by a neuro psych and her team of postgrads.

I’m good at processing new information, and creative problem solving. But I’m spiked. 3 deviations spiked.

I like to think I can be clever, but I don’t like numbering it.

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I’m having that done next week. I’m afraid it will tell me what a moron I am.

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what does 3 deviations mean, in relation to cognitive testing

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15 point spread on each deviation scoring. 85-100-115-130. How you’re all calculated in the individual category.

Some scores were a lot lower than others.

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It was fun to me, they were all very kind.

It just gave me something solid to reflect on. I’m glad I did it.

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That’s great to hear! Thanks!

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It isn’t a competition against anyone else, maybe only ourselves.

You’ll do great! Good luck!

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Not to toot my own horn but I have a ton of emotional intelligence. I have creativity through my writing. Also, I’ve been told I am wise beyond my years.


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Of that list I think Creative smarts and EQ are things I have traditionally struggled with.

@Pandy: off-topic but I couldn’t get a copy of Citizen Kane. Not on any of my streaming services. It is on prime, I’ll shell over a couple clams for a view soon.

@cathart1c: that’s great! What do you write? I enjoy writing but always put pen & paper away after I’ve started.

@Headspark: I’m mostly creative through sports, if that’s a thing. I’ll find weird angles to make buckets on the basketball court and try out a slew of batting stances to knock in a run on the baseball diamond.

But emotions? I’m nicknamed the machine at work. gene the machine. lol