The little tabs make getting the bottle out super easy, instead of ripping them off. I don’t get things in those rings anymore because the ocean, but i just found that out.
Before sz I was always one of the bests at school and university. Teachers invited me to math and physics competitions and wanted me to teach other students for money but I said no to both. I wanted to be a Dr like my best friend who is a cardiologist now.
After sz while on Abilify all my grades went down but the least affected was math. I still got my university degree after doing 5 semesters of university in kinesiology while on Abilify. I wanted to specialize in physiotherapy but my program supervisor told me I have to redo 2 courses and get in them at least 3.3 gpa so I said fk it not doing it as I also don’t think I can. I finished my major (3yrs) bach of science with 3.05 gpa.
Now on 5mg risperidone my cognition is even worse but not as bad as my negative symptoms. I think I am average.