I feel sort of unmotivated and blah. I think partly it’s because I’m cold and want to stay under the heated blanket. But partly there’s something else going on and I’m not sure what. What could help motivate me? I have lots of things I could be doing around here. All with varying degrees of difficulty and with varying time commitments. Nothing interests me though. I just feel blah. What do you do to snap yourself out of it when you get that way?
i follow my routine strongly for it. I do everything in certain order during the day/week and that way i keep going as much as i can.
Oh, I don’t have a routine. I’m all willy nilly. Things have been so crazy and up in the air I haven’t been able to establish a routine. I guess I should get into one.
yea i think having a good routine for the week helps with a lot of the negative symptoms for me… It’s still hard but at least i keep following the routine as much as i can.
Thats really good. I think once I get my bed I will try to start one and see if that helps me.
good idea =)
I hope it will help you.
You sleeping at your ex’s place now huh?
yes, I sleep some at his place and some on my sofa
comfy sofa?
I hope you get your new bed soon!
Then you can sleep comfy in your own house.
the sofa is ok for an hour or so, I’m getting my bed on June 19th, so I have about a month of this going back and forth. Then I can only pray that this new mattress is comfy.
yea i hope it will be comfy =D
Thank you @lekkerhondje
So what are you doing today?
i received a new record (LP) today and i listened to that. I also watch inferno with my dad after lunch. I also received a mail that a record that i ordered is on the way, i wasn’t sure that one would have still been available but i’m lucky and they send me the last one they had.
Besides that not much going on… just lazy day like most days =D
That sounds cool. You’re really into music, aren’t you?
yea i love music =D
Music is my life really… music and movies/series
What is your favorite type of music?
i like music like metalcore and grunge and also neurofunk. And some other electronic music… i really like a lot of music but i like the bit harder styles. My favorite band is “Bring Me The Horizon”, well their later work at least… their first years were a bit harsh for me.
what is your favorite type of music?
I like Twenty-one Pilots
ah i like them too =) i have their LP “Trench” on vinyl. Good album
It is good. I like their live performances and I don’t usually like live, but they do good