Really struggling with motivation

Basically been laying on the bed or the couch all day. I have cleaning that needs to be done but even just getting up is difficult.


Negative symptoms

Like even getting up for food or water is hard. I don’t want to move.

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But my advice is to try to find an outside motivating force if possible or something like that.

I feel that. Somedays, the negatives win over everything.

I want to ask my husband if he’ll help me when he gets home but I feel bad because they aren’t his responsibilities and if be asking him to do more work after he judt got home from work.

Yeah, hopefully he understands it’s the symptoms of your illness and not just you being lazy.

good sleep and healthy diet can help with energy that helps give you a boost, but not directly the negative symptoms


I’ve slept too much

Yeah, the only thing that helps me is stimulants, wellbutrin sort of helped me, but also made me sort of anxious.


Have you tried drinking coffee?

Not lately though. Usually I have the issue of bot being able to sleep so I sleep when I can. Lately though it’s been more than normal even compared to times when my body crashed and finally slept a good amount

I don’t understand why this happens but I tried ginseng and I was also anxious all day

Yeah, it sucks, the things that seem to work the best also have the bad side effects such as increased anxiety or more positive symptoms.


I see, have you talked to your doctor about maybe going on an antidepressant? To boost your energy levels?

I was gonna call her yesterday but between all the errands I completely spaced but I’m gonna set a reminder on Monday.

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I’ve been suffering from madness…old skool madness…not really though the internet is different than reality man I need therapy

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It helps me when I ask myself…who’s in control of you (hopefully yourself will be the answer).
Then my next question is what can I be inspired to do right now? The trick for me is not to overwhelm myself.

Once you get up and move around you won’t regret getting up- it’s just the shift from stillness to moving. I find it help to add upbeat music when I start moving.

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Hope you feel better soon @NeoPolitan02.

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