What could help motivate me today?

@lekkerhondje I’m curious, where do you order your vinyl from? I miss the old LPs, much warmer. That’s what I grew up on

@Leaf it might just be that without good sleep, you’re burnt. If you have it in you, what helps me is to make a list for the day. I’m like you, I don’t have a set routine, but the list gives me something to refer to.

I try to do between 3 and 5 small things a day. Makes it manageable

I like your new Avatar, by the way :grin:

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Thank you. I thought that was cool. Yea I’m not sleeping well. I’m getting like 4 hour straight, then another hour here and there. I will make a list.

take bath
make breakfast
put away walmart order
bake pumpkin zucchini bread
do dishes
build Jesse’s chair
build accent table
breakdown boxes and take to dumpster

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i went back to bed , had no motivation, phone started ringing and now I’m up and washed so ready for the day


Cool, glad I was helpful. It does sound like you’re pretty beat up without sleep, I wouldn’t think it was a day to press too hard. Just pick one thing, see how it feels

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Coffee makes me get out of bed


There! I made restaurant style hashbrowns for me and my sister. We love those.

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Sweet, I love hash browns. I did roasted potatoes last night, with red bell peppers and onions… It comes out so sweet and crispy. Yum yum yum :grin:

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Oh lordy, that sounds so good. I’ve really been craving potatoes lately.

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Well, I got a bath and opened up packages and got some stuff put away. I still need to brush my hair. That’s the worst part about taking a bath. It hurts so bad.

I know, me too. I had mashed potatoes with pork chops and mushroom soup the other night. Last night I had a nice steak dinner with the roasted potatoes.

Gotta luv the spuds!!

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i order them from amazon, bol.com and mediamarkt… but most from amazon, on amazon they are the cheapest.

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