I’m screaming inside my head to get up and do something, anything. Even something fun and it’s as if weights were holding me down. I don’t even have the motivation to go make a pot of coffee.
hope youre feeling a little better. idk what to say. car wont run without gas right or broken down right? maybe you should make today a “repair” day and refuel.
I’ve tried my best to be kind to me today. I got the right amount of sleep, I ate oatmeal, I’ve been hydrating, I took it easy on the coffee, and I played with my kitty but I just can’t seem to get going, I guess it is a day off.
sorry to hear, maybe you can find something funny to watch
I can relate leafy. Some days my depression is so bad I cant even get out of bed.
I don’t watch tv
Oh no! I remember those days. I hope you can get treatment that works for you to get rid of that depression. That’s a terrible affliction.
Try vaping while doing so… atleast it’s fun
I guess today is a good day to take a day off then leafy
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