Were you popular in high school?

Anyone? I sure wasn’t I’m sad to say. I had just four real friends in four years. I had some peripheral acquaintances who were friends of friends or people I partied with at lunch. But I really didn’t talk to people I didn’t know. I got the feeling that people WANTED to like me, but I closed myself off. But I kind of think some of my old friends from sixth and seventh grade wondered why I changed and withdrew.

In a class of 60 everyone knows everybody pretty well. There were psuedo cliques composed of people who pursued the same activities. By the end of it though everyone was popular and had a following of under class people. High school was pretty sweet. For me it was just that “high” school.

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I was popular in high school. I was actually a cool kid and I was the leader of a clique in my grade and a member of the clique in the grade above me. Being in a clique with the grade above you meant you were very cool. That was at the international school- my freshman year at the boys catholic school was just nope.

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Freshman year, had zero friends, no acquaintances. Was obsessed with black metal and constantly drawing. Sophomore and junior year had a lot of friends, what did I change? Suddenly I became visible. Sat with a different group of friends every day at lunch, had people actually talk to me in every class instead of being ignored, went from nobody knowing my name, even people in my classes, to having people who I didn’t know, know my name. At this time my mania started getting worse, could have caused me to be more outgoing. Senior year was depressed most of the time, and people would want to hang out with me, but I hid from them.

No. I was fairly popular throughout most of young childhood and early middle school. (I was never a stereotypical “popular” kid or anything, just well-liked in general and got along w everyone). Then my family made another move at the end of 7th grade for me which did not help my already blossoming depression. Long story short, I sunk into an absolute funk, stopped interacting with other people and got known as that quiet, weird but nice girl.

Somehow I managed to find a group of close friends of about 10 anyways, but most of them were horrible people who bullied me constantly and gave me serious insecurity issues. The depression started going away as I came out of puberty and I came out of my shell, but due to me making friends with people of all social standings, I was then ostracized for being friends with some outcasts. It was so infuriating to me because when I’d be alone with someone with a “normal” reputation we’d get along really well, but as soon as others were around everyone would treat me like a black sheep! Just because of my past and the fact that I was friends with a couple people they thought were weird!!

Anyways that added to my insecurity, became a terrible person in desperate attempts to fit in and be liked, ditched the outcast friends (still feel enormous guilt over this, I really did consider them friends) started engaging in gossip (I never gossiped. As a girl, this alienates you with others. Even the nicest group of girls gossips a bit) and all sorts of awful stuff that just rubbed me all the wrong ways.

Now I’m in college and I’ve thankfully returned to my old self, have a group of very close and good friends. Popularity doesn’t matter anymore and I am so glad because I swear that environment was toxic for me. Bah. This post ended up longer than intended :< reputation is just something I’ve always struggled with, since I’m a people pleaser

I had a couple close friends. The rest acquaintances. I don’t keep in touch with anyone from high school sadly now. And I only graduated 5 years ago.
I was a bit of an ■■■■■■■, always criticizing people, and pretty immature as well with a “squeaky” voice, and I got bullied but also bullied others.
High school wasn’t the greatest time of my life, that’s for sure.

So not very popular, it was an all guy high school so popularity wasn’t that important. Still, I was overall disliked by many I’d say. Which sucks, but what can you do? Now I never criticize or put people down, probably my golden rule that I live by these days.

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No… not popular… I was the hyper spaz. I was strange and talked too fast and was too hyper. I was a class clown so I wasn’t picked on. I spent time with younger siblings… that was weird… I hung at home a lot… that was odd.

NOT popular. I did have some surfer friends… and a few from swim team.

Summer swim league was made up of people from all the high schools. I figure the 15 of us in our age league were the misfits from every corner of the city.

None of us were cool… we were swimmers.

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I was somewhat popular. I was a football player, hung out with all the popular kids, and dated a softball player. Everyone knew me because I sold weed to almost everyone. I had females all over me. Now I’m over weight with zero confidence. Schizophrenia turned my life upside down.


Air force, moved around alot, whatever friends i made i lost very quickly. I went to three different highschools, two different middle schools, several different grade schools.

Ended up at a new school senior year, it sucked.

You know who my favorites were? The punks, i loved the punks, i wasn’t one myself or anything, i just didn’t qualify you know, i couldn’t make the grade. But those guys were freaking awesome in my opinion. They had some kind of energy about them.

Apparently i was handsome at one point and didn’t know it to. A girl said “i love it when guys don’t know they are hot.” I completely disagreed, i was well aware of my rotting flesh body and i just disagreed completely. I did used to be what they called handsome though, but man that is a delusion right there.

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No friends. Probably the most unpopular student in the whole history of my school.

In high school I was a stoner. I didn’t have many friends, but the friends I did have liked to see me get high. I almost never bought weed, but I stayed stoned because someone was always handing me a joint. I was withdrawn, anxious, and miserable. In junior high I ran with the popular crowd, but my sophomore year in high school I totally shut down.

Very much a loner with a very small close group of friends. Although at one stage I did get into the main group for the social food chain but really felt uncomfortable being with them.

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I had a main group. But I also hung out with people from other groups. I was the goofy funny kid and also the quiet kid. I was mischievous, I used to enjoy dipping kids locker padlocks in chocolate pudding LOL poor kids

I remember my 1st day at a new high school , 2 hot girls 1 grade above me showed me around all week it was awesome :slight_smile:

I’m still friends with a few people from high school. One is still my best friend after 10 years out of highschool and he just asked me to be his best man at his wedding

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Did you ever fall in love pans? The girl was maybe had feelings for you.

No, not at all. I was and still am a shy person. I just feel nervous when I find myself in group of 10 or 20. I usually keep it inside and don’t show. I care less to be in a gathering. That’s why very few people used to know me when I was in school, college and university.

I wasn’t the least bit popular. Grade school hated me and I hated it back.


I was not popular among the majority of High School students - but I was the leader of a group of misfits - comprised of friends from my neighborhood.
I was kind of grandiose and depressed - I was more popular as a Junior and Senior in High School - kind of minding my own business in school - i got along with the different cliques - had some burnout/Hippie friends, some jock friends, Nerd friends etc…
But overall I would have to say that High School was a pretty uneventful experience

I guess I was considered a jockey because I played baseball. I had a few close friends who withdrew from me after high school. Being cool in high school doesn’t mean jack because when your classmates graduate everyone parts way. It all comes down to who your real friends are and who you stay close to after graduating. I made a lot of friends in high school now I don’t even talk to none of them anymore. I kind of drew myself away from my group and now I lost all my friends. I only maintain my friendship through games or social media. I learned a lesson from having drug friends because after you quit you barley see or talk to them anymore.


I was. But in a bad way. Sort of like mean girls popular. People hated, feared and loved you all at the same time, never for the right reasons.

I am not well liked on secondary school,just like you I closed myself off when people want to know more about me,I still don’t know the reason uptill now