Were you popular in high school?

Damn it,I relate when you say SZ turns your life over…

I can relate to 77nick77. One friend and a lot of acquaintances. I was too shy and didn’t let people in. I was really popular in elementary school but something happened in middle school and I became an introvert.

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I was a quiet loner with one or two good friends, people thought I was weird, but also thought I was nice, and got me to help them with their homework and art. I was quite popular in art class, though, for helping others mix their colours and they always admired my artworks.

LOL, similar here. Class clown and also the one who would stand up to teachers and principals. Sometimes ‘popular’ if I had weed. Known as a radical.

But in the sense of the traditional ‘popular’ like being the football star with all the girls fawning over you, or the girl who is a cheerleader and all the guys fawning over her…no, I wasn’t that type of popular…

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Harnessed my ability to make people laugh in HS more so than middle school

No I wasn’t popular at high school. I hated high school…because of bullying.

I was a complete and total loner, all throughout high school and college. I had zero friends and I talked to zero people. I had a terrible case of bulimia to boot, that further isolated me. I hung out in parks smoking cigarettes, and listening to rock and roll, all by myself.

I was in gifted classes and everyone in our class was pretty close. We stayed in the same group from Jr. High to High School. I made friends with upperclassmen too. I was in their clique for a while. All of this depended on the lunch schedule. If I had the same lunch schedule as my friends I would hang out with them the most. I stuck with my original gifted friends and I’m glad I did. We still communicate through Facebook. High School was the first time I noticed that things were wrong.

No, the friends I had in highschool were my nieghbors that lived in my neighborhood that went to school with me.