Trying to quit smoking cigarettes

I think that time has come to kick my nicotine habit. I’ve done it before not too long ago and made it like a month without really even trying. Then my stepdad came home with a pack of cigarettes for me and it’s been downhill since. And now I find myself smoking almost 2 packs per day which is getting expensive. If I were to mention this to my physician, what do they do for quit smoking aids these days? I’ve tried chantix a few years back, but it gave me some pretty wicked side effects. The dreams I was having were pretty twisted, and made me suicidal, and I’d like to avoid that if at all possible. If anybody has successfully quit, and stayed quit, what was your method? Any tips? I love my Marlboro Reds man, cowboy killers indeed

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Your stepdad did a despicable thing.
I also decided to quit smoking. Hope my dad behaves himself lol.

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Vape. Vapevapevapevapevapevape. :smiley:

Wellbutrin will make you not even want to smoke, if you stay on it or if its even available to you.

Wellbutrin made me crave nicotine more.


Good luck to you, nicotine is a damn hard habit to quit.

it does both for me too i think i just try to fight the urges.

My husband smoke Marlboro 100’s. Wish he’d quit too. I inhale second hand smoke from him

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it’s not easy to quit but I just switched to a vape and slowly started using it less and less and now I am at a point of being virtually nicotine free.

I bought a vaper, but having a hard time switching to it


it takes time , just keep trying. you’ll get it.

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Keep in mind all the benefits from not smoking. Your health will improve. You’ll save a lot of money. It’s worth it to quit.


your brain will begin healing itself. health is wealth.

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Best of luck to you! I went cold turkey 15 days ago. I’m still smoke-free, nicotine-free, but I certainly still crave it.


Best of luck to you being 15 days smoke free. You Can Do it!


Im getting on nicotine patch and nicotine spray on the 6th of June

Probably just stop. There are many ways to do this and to fail at doing this, but the most common way people seem to quit is to just stop on your own. Apparently, up to three-quarters of ex-smokers of any substance report having quit without assistance (“cold turkey” or cut down then quit), and cessation without professional support or medication may be the most common method used by ex-smokers. More than one try may be needed. Support groups, etc. may also help.

Smokers are very good at fooling themselves into smoking again. With a quit contract, the smoker has to answer to you, or to a group of friends, or to a group of people who are also trying to quit. Answering to others for one’s indiscretions is difficult, and can help the quitter in his/her attempt.

Gums, lozenges, patches, pills and adjunctive helps like hypnosis and counselling can help. But you have to want to quit first. You can do it. It will be the best thing you have ever done for you.

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No, my stepdad is a pretty good person honestly. He is a bad influence though lol
He’s really the only family member that has stuck by my side, but he drinks alcohol like a fish breathes water. Probably one of the very few people I have a very slight amount of trust for honestly. But I made it yesterday only smoking 3 cigarettes. So far I don’t think I’m doing so bad

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I’ve heard this from people before, but I’m on wellbuterin xl 150mg as we speak. Some days it seems it makes me feel a little manic, but I kind of like that feeling honestly. Which is part of the reason why I feel I may have been misdiagnosed, or maybe the sz turned into sza over the years. Who knows. Schizophrenic father, bipolar mother. I guess I get the best of both worlds. In the past they gave me xanax for a quit smoking aid, but I’d rather not develop a dependency while trying to kick on habit for another, if this makes any sense(sorry, I can’t think today)

Dude it made me go manic, I’ve pretty sensitive to SSRI’s