Different cultures and different religions and different people have different reasons for marriage.
Some are even forced into marriage by their own family.
Some people marry someone they are not romantic with but might be nice to each other.
Marrying someone because you are nice to each other and take care of each other despite no romance is there.
Like two friends but not best friends.
I was proposed to by a few men but never with a ring just them asking me…
I did not take them seriand was way to fuc### up.
My bf and I are not romantic together.
I realised that yesterday when he spoke of his friends girlfriend dying.
My boyfriend and I are like friends who take care of each other and are nice to each other and only have sex once every three months or possibly once a month.
I even took his wart inside of me.baaaaaaaaaa.hope I do not get one now.his gp told him to not remove it and that he can keep it.
My boyfriend and I have different beliefs,different sense of humour, different morals etc
His family and friends try bossing me about and think they are better than me and I do not think they treat me well enough.
I think about Anders and other XX
I think about the brown eyed man who I do not know who he is but he is the only man I have had eye contact chemistry with…we have same humour and beliefs …
I love my boyfriend but I do not think I can ever marry him.
If I died he would get on with his life immediately which is good for him.
I can not afford to move out and I love my boyfriend.we are good for each other in a way despite our differences.
I can not go vegan while living with him.
I want to marry romantically.
Is it enough to be nice to each other and take care of each other?
I mean that is something to be grateful for aswell.
I am grateful for my partner but I just do not think we will marry.
I love him very much.
Would you marry someone who was a friend or someone you have different beliefs and morals with but who was still nice to you and you take care of each other?
Do you need the sex in a marriage?
Would you marry for stability?
We both do not have not want children.
Most men on dating sites have or want children
I love him so much but it’s not romantic.
We do not seem to have a romantic love but I still love that we take care of each other and do things together and help each other.
We might get fire wood together,weed together or I might assist him on a job he is doing to help him out.
We spend 50/50 on bills,food but also on renovation.
It is his place so if we break up he will get to keep renovations .
We bought a washing machine etc and he will get to keep those things too if we break up.
If we break up I will have my car but might not afford to rent even and I do not want to sleep in my car in this state as it could kill me.
My boyfriend is a very attractive man to me and he is also nice but we have different beliefs ,morals etc
I get angry his family and friends trying to make me in to a person I am not nor want to be.
They all think and believe the same and want me to be like them but I am proud to not be like them and I do not want them bossing me about n trying to change me.
My family want me to stay with my boyfriend because they think I am better since I met him except for my mum.
What reasons would you marry for?