I want to get married. It will help my life.
Hell no. I don’t.
I want to marry my x in SA.
I want a gothic style wedding as in clothing n decor etc
He said he doesn’t want me back.
i would like to marry but i dont want any children.
I like the thought of marrying my boyfriend but I’m equally okay with the thought of just living together without that formal bond.
No money and even if I did I would spend it all on computer components haha
I got married once but under crappy circumstances. I would do it again, in a tuxedo shirt and vans.
Yeah but my partner doesn’t… but we will live together and we have decided on dog names already …
I want to get married
… I guess when I meet the right person
Yeah, I don’t want any children either.
I would love to get married but hard to find a partner
I wanted to get married since I was about 10 years old and never did. But I see so much on TV. I feel lucky to be single. I doubt I’ll ever get married.
Me too. Some of the reports of the relationships people are having are making me think I was lucky not to get married. I know I am impossible to live with. It is for the best that I didn’t.
It takes a man to be married. On the long-run it gets fun but then it gets seriously boring with each other and there is no such thing as “spicing it up”
Nope. My husband would get mad at me if I did that now.
They say the third time is a charm. IT better be. So far…
(terrible joke, I know lol)
I don’t.
First of all, marriage is promising someone you will love and want to be with them forever, and I don’t want to make a promise I can’t keep, seeing as nobody can predict the future.
Some people say it’s a romantic way of proving to someone you love them, but if they’re that desperate for you to prove it, I’d reconsider the relationship if I were you.
I’m a simple man.
I’m like that old guy from Modern Family:
Wife: Why aren’t you more romantic?
Husband; I told you “I love you” once, I’ll let you know if it changes
I’m 47 years old and have no interest in marriage. I suppose if I got myself together enough and found the right girl it might be possible. But, I’m not actively seeking it out so it’s not likely to happen.
I thought I did, but not sure.