Thoughts on marriage

Was discussing with mum if I got married who to invite. She said you can’t not invite those people they’ll get upset.


I’ve decided.

I just want 5 people at my wedding from my side.

The rest can feel bad about not being invited together. They won’t be alone in feeling that way. :relieved:


I mean there’s people who I would have liked to be there but I don’t want that politics.

Are you getting married?

Possibly :flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed: I’d like to. But he wants to take it slow.


That’s nice you have someone in your life.

I have a lot of people in my life but he’s very specials :heart:


I’m so glad you finally found a guy you like so much


I’m so jealous of you @anon80629714! I wish I had all the things you had in life. :gift_heart:

Right now, I will be polite and just wish that you are happy!

The focus is on YOU girl! :bride_with_veil:t4:

Alright! :metal:t4:

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I am my wife’s second husband. She had a big church wedding the first time and a big reception. They weren’t married a year and they were divorced.

I married her in college and we got married by the justice of the peace in his living room and a few of my fraternity brothers came and signed the marriage certificate as witnesses.

We have been married almost 26 years.

I dated my wife in high school before she got married but weren’t serious. I wasn’t ready to settle down yet. Took me a few more years.

Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


Get married however you want and make everyone else accomodate you. It’s the only time in your life when you can do this and get away with it.


Yeah do it your way. I got married quick because I needed to apply for the green card and had to to avoid leaving the states. Didn’t regret it and I enjoyed married life! It didn’t work out in the end but it was a good time whilst it was good.

Most folk I know don’t even get married anymore. It’s one of those things these days. A simple wedding is good but I also like a traditional wedding if there’s free beer involved!

My partner and i have spoken about marriage. We’ve been together for 11 years. We’ve both decided that marriage isn’t worth all the fuss and bother that often goes along with it. We’re going to have a celebrant marry us in the presence of a couple of witnesses probably at home. I’m inviting nobody except the witnesses. I’m not buying a wedding dress or having any kind of party. We both want simple, easy and no fuss.

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Pretty much the same for us @Sezbot241. My common law wife of three years and I want to get formally married but keep putting it off for financial reasons. When it’s done, probably in about a year, it will be a simple fun filled family gathering with party lanterns and that sort of thing in a back yard with some good home cooking or not. Depends on what my wife wants… Not really up to me.

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My mum, when she married my step-dad, had a celebration much like you’ve described. I haven’t gone to many weddings, but it was by far one of the nicest. It was so relaxed and fun.

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“Relaxed and fun”… I love the sound of that. That would be great!

I don’t want to get married yet. I have to know myself better before engaging with someone.

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Many marriage end after a few months or years due to several factors:

  • people mistake lust for love
  • people get married on a whim and don’t think of long term consequences
  • other family members get too involved in a couple’s life
  • partners can’t stay faithful and they don’t want to resort to psychological counselling
  • one or both partners don’t know themselves well or are still developing as a person

Overall, marriage takes maturity, courage and lots and lots of patience and good will.

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Congratulations! I think it helps to have it small or big. If it’s small, most people understand not being invited. Problems come as that medium size when some people are invited but not others. Enjoy planning!

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Me and my wife didnt invite anybody to our wedding. Got married in the city counsel house. With two witnesses from the staff.

I’ve been married for 6 years.

When I married my husband I took a leap of faith - I met him, asked his sisters about him and consulted with God. Then a month later got engaged then another month later was married. This is the Islamic way - to not delay the wedding.

In my religion love comes after marriage. We’ve had our problems but are still together and I found I grew more fond of my husband over time.

Now I’m content being with him. He looks after me well and I look after him well.

It is all about communication and compromise and about give and take.

It’s not easy being married but it’s worth it. I love having a companion in my life.