- Straight
- Gay
- Bisexual
- Asexual
- Pansexual
- Something Else
0 voters
0 voters
I’m asexual and panromantic
I tried to think of all that I have heard of. I usually end up missing something though
Straight, asexual here most of the time
I’m just gay and not asexual.
Straight, and I’m sick of learning about all the various orientations and genders that keep sprouting up. Jfc, so much confusion.
Closet Bi-sexual here. In the rare occasions ive been with someone they have been female. But i put it down to my town not being too gay freindly.
I swing both ways - but there isnt too many willing fellas round here.
Sorry about that @RottenApple that I missed panromantic
Why’s that? The question was about sexual orientation, I just decided to add my romantic orientation as well!
Oh, okay 151515
I think I’m straight with bi tendencies. A lot of people think I’m gay though.
What’s a romantic orientation?
Basically your sexual orientation is who you’re sexually attracted to (for me I don’t feel sexual attraction) and your romantic orientation is who you’re romantically attracted to (for me it can be anyone, doesn’t matter how they identify) and the key difference is that romantic feelings determine who you would date and sexual feelings are who you would have sex with. I hope that helps
It does for me. Thanks
Glad I could help! I’m always open to answering questions about this kind of stuff
I’ve been taught in church that homosexuality is wrong. That’s why I don’t act on same sex attraction. I don’t judge others though. That doesn’t roll in my mom or my dad family. We just don’t do that in our family.
I voted asexual.
Was straight, then gay now nothing will do.
Just not into sex, and not had any relationships for a while.
Sometimes I think it’s because all my relations in a sexual way have been hook ups and nothing serious.
But I actually get bored during, so, asexual I think is the best way to describe it now
Im a horse with 3 legs
So i voted other
I know sweet - I was taught that too. I have my own take on religion. People were gay - long before it became sociably “hip” or acceptable.
Its been around for thousands of years.
It’s been around since the inception of humanity. Well probably since Adam and Eve’s descendants.