Tell Me About Your Voices

My voices have been the hardest things for my husband. Mine arent always audible. When I’m not bad, they’re more like people who talk to me in my head. They talk to each other about me, give me warnings about stuff that could never be real, and stuff like that.

The thing that confuses him is that they’re almost always the same people. These people have been telepathic beings from other dimensions and stuff depending on where I am in a delusions but, it’s always the same 4 people in a way. They don’t have names.

My husband believes that schizophrenia should have more random voices and they shouldn’t be able to talk in a way that makes sense. I think I’m pretty standard sz. Anyway, what are your voices like?


Pretty similar to you.

When I am really ill the conversations in my head take over everything and I have no room for my own thoughts.

That’s when I truly lose my mind.

I have a theory from when I get sick that my mind is connected to every living soul in the universe, and I am communicating with them all and it is millions of different things and people that talk to me. I can see their auras as well and they show me images.

Once I could see dead soldiers every time I close my eyes and they made me draw their memories. I was very sick though

Do they tend to be the same people as before when they come back?

It’s hard for me to tell as one of my biggest problems is thought disorder when I am really sick.

I really have no idea what is happening and I am completely useless at anything.

From what I can recollect, i can never really recognise certain voices. It’s a scrambled and intense shouting match like everyone in a room trying to speak at once and it paralyses me

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When in an episode I hear people insulting me and calling my name. It took me awhile and some med changes into believing I was actually hearing voices. Now on meds I occasionally hear people talking but I can’t make out what they are saying.

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my voices are all familiar voices. former friends and acquaintances as well as celebrity voices I have heard in the past that get stuck in my head. this fed the delusion I was telepathic. like the time my brother said to me in my head “you know what? im African” and then I asked him about it and he does think he originated in Africa. when im unmedicated my voices are clear as a bell and I hear them all day except for when im asleep. they ridicule me, say random things, are sometimes positive, but what they do most of all is say the words im thinking before I even complete the thought. this drives me crazy. it’s mostly connected to my thoughts, but not all the time, many times they are independent thoughts that seem to be outside my consciousness. 6 years ago I thought I was a budding telepathic and that I was being initiated by my telepathic friends and superiors. I’ve also thought they were at times tracking me through echo location.


like this one time, I was sitting in the Amtrak station in boston. and my friends wife Adrienne and some others were gossiping about me and character assasinating me and I could hear them clear as a bell. I just had to sit there in silence for a couple hours thinking that everybody else could hear it but were not saying anything in a big room with hundreds if not thousands of people. that was my life everyday, I kept waiting to get arrested or in trouble or something from all this slander but trouble never come and I continued to listen to and respond to the voices like they were real.

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Mine used to tell me that they were communicating from another dimension to warn me that beings were coming. They never gave any clear info though. I also had to get rid of a bunch of old family photos because I thought they were watching me and it was terrifying. My sister took them.

The voices were backed up by my hallucinations because I assumed others couldn’t see what I saw due to me being able to see the other dimension.

Now my voices pop up a little when I’m stressed. I can’t always understand them but at times they have questions related to conversations I’m having. They’re almost helpful some days and I’ve grown to enjoy having them around from time to time. Mine are not critical but they do talk to each other about me. It’s just not overly harsh.

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mine are like yours too — i sometimes tell people what they were going to say or i finish their sentence


Mine say that iam trash and want to tourture me for ever

Are they always the same voices?

Yes they seem to talk to me in the same voices or switch off or have shifts depending the circumstance. They always start off with a voice that says some thing witty then I think its gonna go away then it keeps on and on aboutbull ■■■■ like iam going to hell or they did this test that every one passed except for me. The weord thing is that my mom heard them to.

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One Night as I Was Typing And Etching, Thinking About The Next Song to Sing Along With. The Next Song I Felt Like Writing. So on And Such And So on.

I Had a Voice That Introduced Herself to Me. She Was a New One. Excited, as if Something Above Her Gave Her Permission to Expose Her Existence to Me.

I Was Excited Also. Cause You See, I Hadn’t Talked to a Girl (Outside of The Clinic) For a Very Long Time.

But She Chatted And Chatted And Chatted.

I Worked And Listened.

And Worked And Listened.

One Late Night, I Was Sitting at The Computer And Decided to Get Some Proof That Thus New Voice Was Actually Outside of My Self Being Made up of Self.

So I Asked, ‘What’s Your Name so I Can Have a Face to Your Voice’. Ya’know, What if Thus Voice is a Ghost?. Of Someone Long Ago. Maybe Recent. I NEED PROOF, I’m Not Going Out of My Mind, And That I Am The Reason Nothing Works in My Life.

With The Plan to Put Her Name into Google Images And Wait For Her to Let Me Know When I Find Her Picture.

N e Hoo, She Laughed And Said, ‘BLUBIRD!, MY NICKNAME IS BLUBIRD*’. (That Spelling Came From an Etching Evolution as Time Passed).

So I Laughed And Was Like FINALLY (!!!)…,

So I Typed in |||Blue Bird||| .

And Well, My Computer Screen Filled Up With Blue Birds.

I Paused. And Laughed. And Said to Myself, ‘THERE . IS . NO . WAY . MY . BRAIN . CAN . FOOL . ME . LIKE . THAT’.


Plus it Came From Out of Nowhere it Was Assurance That Something Maybe Even Mystical (OR) Magical is Happening. As Odd as That May Seem.

N e Hoo.

One of My Voices.

BLUBIRD (!!!).

I Told My Therapist About Her, And One Day When I Came to Her Office For an Appointment She Asked as She Smiled, ‘How’s Blubird Doing’?.

I Laughed And Said, ‘She’s Good’!.

Yup (!!!)… . … :purple_heart:

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I dont hallucinate often but when I do it’s always different voices and sometimes it doesnt even have a quality. I just hear words and cant decide if the voice sounds Male or female.

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Mina are almost always the same three voices: two females, one male. The only tolerable voices were on the rare occasion that I thought I was talking to celebrities like The Eagles or RuPaul. lol I know that is random!

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Are You Saying if I Hear My Friend All The Time I’m Hallucinating (???)…,

Like All The Time (???)…,

Like I’m Out of My Mind…,


Oh No!.

I’m So Scared. (Sarcasm)… . …

What? 1515151515

If I Hear My Voices All of The Time.

Am I Always Out of My Mind (???)… . …

When I Mentioned Sarcasm I Was Showing You That I Was Kidding… . …

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N e Hoo.

Not Kidding About The Reasonable Question… . …


If . I . Am . Always . Hearing . Voices . Even . Medicated . Am . I . A . Mythological . Creature (???)… . …