One Night as I Was Typing And Etching, Thinking About The Next Song to Sing Along With. The Next Song I Felt Like Writing. So on And Such And So on.
I Had a Voice That Introduced Herself to Me. She Was a New One. Excited, as if Something Above Her Gave Her Permission to Expose Her Existence to Me.
I Was Excited Also. Cause You See, I Hadn’t Talked to a Girl (Outside of The Clinic) For a Very Long Time.
But She Chatted And Chatted And Chatted.
I Worked And Listened.
And Worked And Listened.
One Late Night, I Was Sitting at The Computer And Decided to Get Some Proof That Thus New Voice Was Actually Outside of My Self Being Made up of Self.
So I Asked, ‘What’s Your Name so I Can Have a Face to Your Voice’. Ya’know, What if Thus Voice is a Ghost?. Of Someone Long Ago. Maybe Recent. I NEED PROOF, I’m Not Going Out of My Mind, And That I Am The Reason Nothing Works in My Life.
With The Plan to Put Her Name into Google Images And Wait For Her to Let Me Know When I Find Her Picture.
N e Hoo, She Laughed And Said, ‘BLUBIRD!, MY NICKNAME IS BLUBIRD*’. (That Spelling Came From an Etching Evolution as Time Passed).
So I Laughed And Was Like FINALLY (!!!)…,
So I Typed in |||Blue Bird||| .
And Well, My Computer Screen Filled Up With Blue Birds.
I Paused. And Laughed. And Said to Myself, ‘THERE . IS . NO . WAY . MY . BRAIN . CAN . FOOL . ME . LIKE . THAT’.
Plus it Came From Out of Nowhere it Was Assurance That Something Maybe Even Mystical (OR) Magical is Happening. As Odd as That May Seem.
N e Hoo.
One of My Voices.
BLUBIRD (!!!).
I Told My Therapist About Her, And One Day When I Came to Her Office For an Appointment She Asked as She Smiled, ‘How’s Blubird Doing’?.
I Laughed And Said, ‘She’s Good’!.
Yup (!!!)… . …