Sz reduces intelligence and IQ by up to 30pts!
“The deficits in cognition are seen to drive the negative psychosocial outcome in schizophrenia, and are claimed to equate to a possible reduction in IQ from the norm of 100 to 70–85. Cognitive deficits may be of neurocognition (nonsocial) or of social cognition. Neurocognition is the ability to receive and remember information, and includes verbal fluency, memory, reasoning, problem solving, speed of processing, and auditory and visual perception”
“Social cognition is concerned with the mental operations needed to interpret, and understand the self and others in the social world. This is also an associated impairment, and facial emotion perception is often found to be difficult. Facial perception is critical for ordinary social interaction. Cognitive impairments do not usually respond to antipsychotics, and there are a number of interventions that are used to try to improve them; cognitive remediation therapy has been found to be of particular help”
It is what it is, Aziz. Not much we can do about it. Just have to hope you’re not one of those that are hit hard by it. It’s just one of those facts we have to face and try to improve where we can.
you were good in school , you probably had a pretty high iq already. So you can afford the 30 iq hit.
Some of us with lower iq maybe is not as good lol. I think my overall iq is probably good but i could be smarter academically.
I don’t care if my IQ is low, I can function 90% pretty normally and been told I don’t precent as intellectually impaired even though I’m diagnosed with a ID.
I have a housemate with SZ and he struggles more than me cognitively and it’s a real struggle for him sometimes. He’s a lovely person though.