For me, lying is a deal breaker. I absolutely cannot stand a liar. Many think they are good at it, but their lies are usually obvious.
I think what really chafes me is when someone tells me one thing and then the story grows. And grows. And grows. Because what do you do? Call them out? Is it even worth it?
I don’t think so, because if someone will lie to me in the first place, they’re not worth the time and energy to call them out. I just roll my eyes and move on after being like "ok. Suuuure. "
How do you deal with liars in your life?
Just a little something that crossed my mind with waking up too early.
Usually when I feel guilty about it however that hasn’t happened in quite a while same as most folks just don’t know when to tell the truth I don’t know the truth probably cuz they’re messed up on some medicine or they almost is got them by the grip sorry you woke up on the bad side of the bed
I came across compulsive liars. I treat liars like a mentally ill and tolerate. Liars can be a pain in the ass. The worse liars are who get aggressive violent or abusive for their lies cause they know. Still, sometimes I think, ok, when they believe it’s their truth i let it be. I walk away. These days I am to old to walk away and try with dialogue. They are three sides to a story. Your story, my story and the story we both can’t see. There is that other saying I forgive you lying to me, but the truth is, I never can believe you again and that is upsetting.
Some people just think that there lives are too boring ive found, and embelish it a bit. The prime place for bull shiters ive found is usually in a bar - and ive been in a few over the years.
Ive lied and said im fine when im not sometimes - cos i dont want to start telling people my life history. I used to lie to the wife alot - and im not proud of it, but sometimes you just want them to bugger off.
I agree about being overly honest being a problem. I tend to over share because of it. That’s not good, because then my entire life is on display. I’m working on that.
I will often explain an entire situation to someone else when I’m asking a favor just so they know why I’m asking. They probably don’t really care about the details.
I’m all about balance. I think you need to strike the right balance between being 100% honest all the time and being a compulsive liar. Both can unnecessarily hurt people.
@anon4362788 ,
I personally think there are not any importance of truth and lie. But the most important is what I am thinking at that instant of time. Ofcourse i am schizophrenic. This disease change my mind like this.
You can not differentiate Lie for the past and future events, and every person lie about future events because in future you can not predict.
In short, I don’t respect anyone that doesn’t respect me back and that includes liars.
BSing is okay to a degree but to flat out lie over every stupid little thing is asinine.
I think the so called white lies are okay to a point. Like in high school some of the ladies would ask me if I thought they were fat or whatever. Well, I have enough empathy for a person’s feelings not to be overly truthful.
Another example is when the bullies, and this is everywhere, ask me if I like them to which I was very straightforward and answered with a resounding NO!
I wish I could lie. Sometimes withholding truth or staying reticent is necessary. Some people can’t accept reality.
There is interpersonal tactic I call “lying in order to get truth” I always happen to be receiving end here. What others would do is purposefully lie to me and I will end up telling facts by correcting them.
Some people are compulsive liars. Will lie about pathetic things. Even when there is no selfish reason. Neither altruistic one. Then there are ■■■■ brains who speak about experiences of others as if they were ones who experienced it. And they twist even actual person’s experiences.
Real ■■■■ happens when you figure out someone is compulsive liar. These ■■■■ ■■■■■ will surprise you by speaking truth intermittently.
Back when I was working for the CIA there use to be quite a few good liars. They used to use their lying skills to embellish their credentials and get ahead in their careers. That was of course, before the first time we encountered an aliens in area 51. These aliens taught us the value of telling the truth and since then none of us have told any tall tales. I have always been forthright forthright and honest since that time. Just ask my wife, Scarlett Johansson.
It depends on the lie, isn’t there something called a white/good lie? I mean some ppl lie bcz they are ashamed, etc I know a guy who tells everybody that he works and studies in university which I know isn’t true. Maybe he’s ashamed and doesn’t want ppl to judge him for not working and not studying.
But if its a dirty lie that can cause harm I stay away from such ppl.