Severe anxiety the start of psychosis?

Do you believe severe anxiety can lead to psychosis? Thinking back on all the times I experienced psychosis, it all started with some drastic life-changing event or trauma which, in turn, caused such severe anxiety that sort of spiraled into psychosis. Is it the same for any of you?


Same my first psychotic break was from heavy amounts of stress and anxiety

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yes, it is the same thing for me stress and anxiety triggers my psychosis.

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I’m glad to know I am not the only one triggered by stress and anxiety…though I am sorry you guys are too :confused:

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Same thing for me.
Stress and anxiety can trigger my psychosis.

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Yes but I consider paranoia anxiety also.

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@TomCat, I completely agree with you there.

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It was the first time round when it happened howrver I have managed to avoid it by removing the stressful satiuations but this isn’t always a good idea… as i can’t keep quitting jobs

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@anon80629714 :confused: I understand completely. And it’s also hard when the stressful situations are out of your control too.


I’ve been particularly stressed lately but im at disadvantage as I’m no longer on meds so i don’t have back up

@anon80629714 I am very sorry to hear that. Is there a reason you can’t refill?

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So the psychiatrist took me off all meds before lockdown and decides I have axiety and wanted to treat that … got a reaction to new meds and haven’t bsen able to contact the pdoc for new meds

@anon80629714 I hope you have a good support system during this incredibly tough time…

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I heard a voice and the first thing I did was get anxious and start over thinking. I wasn’t sleeping well and the summer heat and humidity wasn’t helping.

I am doing better now that its cooled off.

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Yeah I have thought of this before too. Paranoia is just extreme anxiety.

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I started getting sick around the time I graduated from college.

Kind of a pivotal point in one’s life, heading out into the world after 16 years of school and all-- could definitely be anxiety-provoking.

It began with license plates and kind of spiraled from there.

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In the build up to my 1st hospitalisation a major source of anxiety was worrying about how I’d cope if I passed the exams to go to university. The prospect of increased independence inherent in going to uni really worried me . I knew/sensed that I didn’t have the non-academic skills to cope with going to uni.

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Yes, it is related.

The first time was when i quit meds for anxiety (benzo + seroquel) and cps announced that they would force me to cooperate with contact between my ex and my child. They said “a psychopath can be a nice dad too”. I knew he would destroy my child, as he had destroyed me. I got terribly anxious and psychotic.

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I think so for me it goes like this anxiety, extreme paranoia, derealization, and finally psychosis

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Yes, my anxiety is always a trigger for when things get worse. My first psychosis was when I was anorexic and because of that, I was in an enormous amount of stress. The second relapse happened when I lost my dog and was very depressed about it, which made my symptoms worse.

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