You know like psychotic depression? Just because my psychosis seems to be the result of anxiety
Mate. I’d say it’s possible. Anxiety leads to stress…stress leads to anxiety!
I think there’s a thing everywhere on this planet where anxiety isn’t taken seriously for people like us! People say just get over it but it’s nothing like that!
Stress is my biggest problem with everything! I go south quickly!
My nurse said that stress can trigger psychosis. So, maybe.
See “Anxiety related to loss of structure” Page 4. Apparently there is/was? something called the psychotic anxiety scale.
Thanks for that article @firemonkey
Lots of people here have anxiety as well as psychosis/sz.
It is a duel diagnosis and not a combined one.
I think we are talking less about ‘psychotic anxiety’ as a diagnosis but anxiety that has a psychotic element to it.
It’s just I think 99% of doctors believe the psychosis comes first which results in the anxiety. I however think it is a two way street and I am certain a lot of times my anxiety results in psychotic delusions.
Maybe, I don’t know- I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder with schizophrenia. So sometimes stress causes a bunch of voices then I would feel extremely ill. So yes, I think it is possible.
Definitely! I have social anxiety and I recently got a girl’s number, and she hasn’t texted back so I’ve been having this delusion that she planted a chip into me and is watching everything I do and is reading my mind. For me anxiety often precedes the psychosis for me, too
Glad I’m not the only one to think this!
I remember this one time I was really, really stressed to my breaking point, I was anxious beyond belief and I was outside at my mom’s house smoking a cigarette tryin to calm myself down and I looked across the property and at a distance I could see someone doing something behind this little half fence thing and when the person walked out and started walking across the upper driveway it was me. I just startled and stopped everything and stared at myself. I rubbed my eyes and I was still there. It lasted for a few minutes and went away. I can’t remember exactly how long, but it was awhile before I got back into my right mind after that. So yes I think anxiety can cause psychosis.
Anxiety can most definitely trigger off psychosis.
There is such thing as this type of diagnosis.
This makes some sense to me. For example I have a thing about there being a presence/someone in my flat which rears its head from time to time. The turn of events is something like a noise which triggers anxiety which quickly morphs into "Oh sh*t, there’s a presence/ someone in the flat " . As my building consists of 2 flats and a key entry system after which you need a key to get into the flat(only my stepdaughter has one) chances of someone being in the flat unexpectedly are very slim to zero. Thus anxiety has triggered an irrational thought that is very probably psychotic in nature.
I think it is complicated. I think to have a diagnosis of psychotic anxiety, if it were to have parity with psychotic depression, I think this may require that you only get psychotic thoughts when first anxious.
Now I definitely get psychotic symptoms when not anxious so maybe that counts against a dx of psychotic anxiety (as I imagine it).
But nether the less I think pdoc don’t appreciate enough the fact anxiety can provoke psychosis and not just strictly the other way around.
No such term but, anxiety and psychosis may be present at the same time in one person.
You may be asking if one can have anxiety in which the person has lost the ability to test reality, and the answer to that is yes. For example, in certain rare cases, anxiety disorders like PTSD may involve auditory hallucinations and paranoid ideas.
Thanks for the info
My former pdoc told me that he thought my paranoia led to anxiety and not the other way around. I couldn’t tell. And he was a recognized genius by all of his peers.
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