@anon49901817 Wow, I’m literally going through those same thoughts too about my ex (father of my children). I am sorry that led you down the rabbit hole. That’s what I’m trying to stay on top of!
@Dsyncd exactly. Step by step.
@John_RavenDo you think your anorexia triggered your stuff or vice versa. I also used to suffer from anorexia from age 11 to 12, but the anorexia for me was caused by so much stress/anxiety/anger/depression which then led to yet another episode of psychosis.
I wonder this sometimes. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder as well as severe social anxiety. I never really hallucinated until one day during grad school (which gave me a lot of stress and anxiety in itself) when I was doing my homework–I heard a loud drum beat, and from there, it never stopped.
I have noticed when I’m anxious, I tend to have worse psychotic symptoms, which in turn make me more anxious. It’s a vicious cycle.
I think my anorexia triggered it because I wasn’t anxious or depressed. My anorexia was largely caused by my OCD, which made me obsessive compulsive about not eating and exercising a lot. And this morphed into my anorexia.
yes they were part of the ingredients of triggering the psychotic episode a few times.
Sorry you are in a skmilar situation. Wishing you and your kids well. It is important you stay well, to protect your children and be there for them. Be strong!
To give some hope: i won in court, my ex was not allowed to see our son, son is safe. I had to stand up for him against my ex, against cps, and against others who found my ex more important than my son('s right to a safe and loving childhood). But in the end it was possible to protect my son…know that you can do it!
Is he abusive, physically, emotionally?
My mental illness started when I was 13 with severe anxiety and panic attacks and about two years later heard voices for first time.
My anxiety disorder continued undiagnosed and untreated for a few more years till my sza started with my moods swinging badly and delusions and self harm.
Anxiety has always been a part of my illness. Some pdocs thought I have anxiety disorder as well as sza
@anon49901817 oh my gosh I’m so so glad to hear that you and your son won in court and are safe. My first court date is coming up in about 2 weeks. He was not physically abusive, though he was emotionally and mentally abusive and did threaten my life (more than once) and the life of my children the night before we left.
I understand…the emotional abuse can be devastating as much as physical abuse. Can you prove any of the threats? Did you record anything or saved e-mails? Has he ever been psychologically tested? Do you have a good lawyer? Is there anyone who can testify?
Dont lose hope and always stand for your children.
If you want to know what helped us (legally, emotionally) or need to vent, feel free to pm.
@anon49901817 I do have proof of one of the threats, yes. The other was a phone call between my father and him so I have no proof of that one unfortunately. I will definitely pm you if you don’t mind My anxiety about this situation has been causing me so much grief!! Thank you so much <3 I do have a lawyer, but so far have no been able to even make the full retainer cost since I lost my damn job. I am not sure if he’s been psychologically tested. But I do have a lot of people on my side.
@anon49901817 I just realized I don’t know how to pm on here.
I sent you a message. You can pm by clicking on someones name and then message. I sent you a message and i guess you will get it in your inbox and can respond.
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