Just an interesting thought I had, how many of you have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder with no know family record of either? I have a family history of bipolar, depression and my mother has DID but there’s no family history of either sz or sza that I’m aware of.
Diagnosed sz or sza with no family history mental illness
Diagnosed sz or sza with family history of mental illness but no prior sz or sza
Diagnosed sz or sza with family history of the illness
My mom and dad aren’t sz but they do some things that make me think they may have some symptoms. They are really religious and get really into all the end of the world scares. They bought a ton of canned food like a literal ton when Y2k was coming and they’ve done some other things that make me suspect they carry the gene.
OMG y2k. My mother has really bad anxiety and OCD and was a crazy person with food storage and prep. She converted an entire room in our basement into a food pantry and the thing was PACKED with tubs of food.
I’ve only been diagnosed with psychosis so far, but I strongly suspect my mother was also psychotic. She told me a lot of things that line up with high functioning psychosis. My father shows some strange tendencies (e.g., talking to and hearing the dead and God talk to him) as well.
Well ya know the news told us to prepare for y2k. They didn’t know what would happen. Thought food couldn’t be ordered cause of the date on computers. you may laugh at your parents but it was in mainstream news. So who should we really laugh at? I was just reading an article of how VR can now change the faces of those on video’s. So is society getting sicker or the social engineers? Compartmentalized news so what I see, another family member sees and a neighbor sees is all different. you call this healthy for anyone?
I am not schizophrenic. in late life i developed delusional disorder. Think it was from what i read and watched. Couldn’t see the differences emerging one click away from another. I’m much more aware now, to not be tricked. now i read things with a grain of salt.
There’s no way for me to know. I have almost no knowledge and zero contact with sperm donor and his family. I know on my mothers side there’s a lot of depression and quite a bit of alcoholism,
@LED. then you never searched reality or existance. when one says this and another that it can be destructive to the sensitive. Of course alcohol is legal for a reason, to blame them? i think not.
@LED ok and anyone else what i’m saying when it is all said and done we ask how and why and no one knows why. why sometimes kind, sometimes mean? I’m sure many ask eventually why am i me and you you. maybe you are not there yet.