Do you have a family history with schizophrenia?

  • Yes
  • No
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Yeah, paternal grandmothers family has many siblings with sz.

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I’ve read that schizophrenia has the strongest genetic links out of all the mental illnesses.

Doesnt surprise me, seems to be linked to genetics for sure imo

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They say everyone who doesn’t have a family history of schizophrenia has a 1% chance of having it.

I see, lucky people.

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No, but my dad and one of his sisters is clearly mentally ill. However, they don’t have psychosis, but paranoia for sure.

Edit: neither of them have a diagnosis that I’m aware of.

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It’s good to see some people make it to the 1 percent

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I have family history of it, my aunt had exactly the same diagnosis as me, paranoid schizophrenia. She was also on the same meds zyprexa.


No family history of sz. But have an autistic niece, dad has ms, and multiple people with anxiety and depression.

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Does a cousin count? I have one cousin who suffered from psychosis though I’m not sure if she was diagnosed with sz specifically.

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I don’t think it counts, I think the furthest you can go is uncles or aunts not sure about cousin.

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Ok. I’ll vote no then.

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I have an uncle and a cousin with schizophrenia and some other relatives who have experienced psychosis. It runs in the family for several generations now (on my dad’s side).

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My grandmother was paranoid and had delusions.

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only known one in the family, rumours later about a great, great aunt they kept in the attic in the early 20th century…nothing else…the sensitivity of my mind putting myself through architecture I think did me in.

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My mother has Schizophrenia


My maternal uncle is probably schizophrenic so I voted yes

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No, but depression and insomnia.

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My grandma had paranoid schizophrenia.

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