No point really. I went a bit overboard on topics today. If someone wants to brag about how smart they are, more power to them. I think most people are being honest though.
Does having good performance in bed with my johnson counts?
I just went with the highest choices for kicks.
Why did you choose biology? Do you like biology? Biology is hard, I took a cell biology class as an elective and it was hard.
I had to do a science with a lab class to finish my associate degrees. After dropping out of biology a couple times I ended up taking an introductory chemistry class.
Now I would hate to be a dr, I want to be a computer programmer as I love computers if my negatives ever improve.
Can someone explain to me how to get ice cubes into a Dasani water bottle? They do not fit. Getting hot in here. Need ice water.
Rofl. Very funny @ThePickinSkunk .
An IQ of 120, indicating that someone is very smart but not exceptionally so, is generally considered sufficient for creative genius.
From what I know of you you more than match both the IQ and the creative part
Only a genius would choose ‘genius’ because then everyone thinks your smart and it becomes a Self fulfilling prophecy
Help! I had to look up on the link to see the difference
Ok born of average intelligence
Not smart, im crap at everything i dont remember anything very well. My general knowledge is apalling
Please reply with sympathy
Intelligent = Less than genius but more than above average
Smart = Low average at my very best when it comes to being practical
Seems a bit sarcastic. Maybe I am misinterpreting though. 8 people have clicked on the link so…it’s not something everyone knows the distinction between. Honestly, I sometimes mix them up myself in wording, even though I know there’s a difference.
I was just trying to be helpful to anyone that might not know the differences.
Ok. Since I’m being politely asked to brag, I guess I’ll give in and brag. I don’t have to assess my own intelligence and smarts. Other people assess them and tell me.
After my first IQ test given one-on-one by a psychologist, the psychologist called my mother and told her I was “off the scale.” “One of the most intelligent people in the country.” So high she couldn’t measure it. I’m a certified, card-carrying genius who carries a Mensa card in his pocket.
On smarts, one of my co-workers recently told me that I’m too smart for my own good. I have trouble in even technical workplaces because my bosses are intimidated by my smarts. I multiplied my invested money by by a factor of about 8 in the stock market last year, and hope to do better this year.
Takes a breath after running out like Jim Carrey
There. Temptation to brag over. Now I guess the consequences ensue.
Not at all @Clint . If that’s the way you interpret your intelligence, there is nothing wrong with it. It’s not bragging if it’s true.
Before SZA maybe genius level
After SZA just average
Iz u try to put dasani water bottle in the freezer? I heard the ice cube can grow in the freezer
I have a slightly above average IQ, but I did poorly in school and don’t consider myself very smart.
I think after the battering my brain has taken from drugs and psychosis, I am surprised I can even string a sentence together.
<11 years of age I was very smart and intelligent. 11-17 I destroyed my mind with illegal drugs. 18-35 SZ has made me stumble several times
The most notable thing was getting a degree from a top 20 UK University with no high school education
Just goes to show I could do it, and that was all that mattered to me at the time
I wanted to prove to myself that I could get an education, and it turns out, I could
All those people who wrote me off academically, suspended me from school and told me I would fail my life were wrong. And very wrong.
Now I try to remember the highlights of positivity in these things, but it can be hard to cut through the negativity sometimes
I did some sort of iq test to determine at what level i should study, i scored the highest so i guess im above average