It’s really taken a huge toll on me. It’s made me not feel like me more than anything else. I hate myself with how slowly I think and how I have a hard time understanding basic things now.
I had my cognition measured, I actually scored quite highly to my surprise. It turns out that while my short term memory isn’t what I’d like it to be, it’s no worse than the average individual. Overall, I’ll function better than 91% of the neurotypicals I’m placed in a room with.
thingsre mixed up up there, its no huge big deal but i’m often happy and can do little things
the memory is not good, i cant do work school right now, as for work maybe simple repetitive things might happen, though i cant focus sometimes and need novelty to remain engaged
I feel the psychosis has mostly dulled my memory. But it could also be my untreated sleep disorder doing that. Most likely it is a combination of the both
I used to be really good at math and computer science. Now it seems that these things take a lot of mental effort. I can’t think as quickly and I have a hard time keeping focus. It seems the only thing I’m good for is doing mindless activities like watching TV and YouTube videos. I don’t know what the heck this mental block is. Things that require intense focus or complex thought are lost on me. I can’t tell if it’s cognitive or due to a lack of drive though.
My IQ was high enough before the illness that a loss in cognition didn’t affect me too much. My real problem is how lazy these medications have made me. I can barely get out of bed
For some things others don’t really notice. E.g. my memory was excellent, one of my major gifts. Now it is perhaps slightly below average. Which is good enough for most people to think I’m normal.
For some things others do notice, because I went from “below average, but able to camouflage” to “horrible”. Like coherence (?)(going from a big bag of details to the bigger picture) and executive function. People do notice there is something off here, when I forget to e-mail them, forget to pay a bill, forget an appointment, etcetera.
I was pretty sharp. Usually the “smart” one in the room. Now I’m below average. It’s hard getting used to my new digs. But it’s taught me a valuable lesson on the important things in life like compassion and love. So I’m dumb, what can I do?