She wants me to let her do the talking. She only wants to tell them that I’m depressed and suicidal with no plan. Should I try and maybe think about telling the truth? Lying has never helped me. But maybe she’s right. She says I don’t want to be put on a 72 hour psych hold. She says I don’t want to be sent to a state hospital. She says I want to make it so I’m allowed to get up and walk out. But I’m afraid that if I’m not honest, I won’t get any help. I will talk to her.
You should be honest. She doesn’t know what it’s like, being in a hospital, and she shouldn’t get to decide for you whether or not you need one.
From what I’ve seen you post, you need a hospital. There’s no shame in having to go to one.
I will discuss this with her, about how I think we should be honest. I can’t risk being denied help because they think there’s no problem when there is a big problem.
thank God for moms!
I’d do the same for my daughter.
Good luck.
If you’re not honest you won’t get proper help.
I think you need to be honest with them. I don’t know why your mom wouldn’t tell them the whole truth but you clearly need the help and are willing to go. Perhaps a stay in the hospital would get you squared away and stable again.
Thanks @Daze. I hope this goes well.
@everhopeful @Pikasaur @disciple My mom said I don’t know what I’m doing and that if I’m honest at the ER I might get indefinite committment. She said I can be honest at the hospital though, which doesn’t make any sense. What if I get indefinite committment there? I was thinking, I feel fine right this second, maybe I don’t need to go. I mean, voices are going saying “kill them,” but I’m not as anxious as I usually am. What if they keep me forever? My mom says she doesn’t know what will happen. Well neither do I. I’m scared that I will hurt people, that I will hurt myself, that I will be kept forever. The anxiety is coming back. I will just do what my mom says.
Be 100% honest with the doctors regardless of what your mother says.
Hospitals aren’t like the asylums they used to be. They have no interest in locking you away forever. Your best bet is to be honest with them up front. I have been in the hospital like five times in my life. It’s no big deal.
They won’t keep you forever. Hospitals aren’t some evil machine that chews up sick people and incarcerates them forever.
your mum is full of baloney.
You NEED to be completely honest about what your voices are saying, the urgers you’ve been having, the anxiety you’ve been feeling. If that’s easier without her in the room, ask her to leave. You’re over 18, she has no legal reason to be there with you.
So what if you become hospitalised? They’ll let you out when you get better, and in the meantime, they’ll sort out your medicines and give you therapy.
I think it would be good for you.
think of it this way, you’ll be with others who are going thru it
you’ll get good food, usually nice nurses
they will get you on the right meds
the things that suck is you typically don’t get your phone or internet
I hope if you do go it’s a short stay, mine always are despite all my talk
on paranoia. I’ve been committed before, and police came and took me,
and at first I fought it, but it looked good, they didn’t use physical force,
and after a lot of talking, I went. Then when I was in patient, at first I told the nurses I’m here against my will, not happy,
but then after 3 days, I told them, I’m coming around to it. I needed the help.
You can be honest about your thoughts and still go into the hospital voluntarily. They will only involuntarily commit you if you refuse to sign yourself in. Once there, if you want to leave, you can sign yourself out. If you try and sign yourself out and the hospital staff feel you are not ready, they will involuntarily commit you.
In short, you need to be both honest and cooperative.
Your mom is scared. She needs support. Please suggest the family/caregiver forum to her.
Yes, the last time i went i was suicidal and i was allowed to go voluntarily. They got me squared away and on the proper meds and let me go. I have also been involuntarily committed in the past but the longest i was ever there was like a month i think. No big deal.
I’ve been hospitalized eight times at at least five different places. I have never been involuntarily committed. I’ve told my friends and family to do whatever they can to persuade me to sign myself in. Once, a doctor wasn’t giving me an opportunity to sign in and was going to commit me. By the grace of God, my parents were there and called him out. What he was doing was illegal and wrong. It is good your Mom is going. She also needs to learn her role. A great resource for parents is Todd Stryd’s minibook on Schizophrenia, A Compassionate Approach.
Why is she taking you to the hospital to not have you admitted??? Why go at all???
Guys I’m sorry. I want to be honest but my mom says it’s different for black people. Obviously I don’t know what you guys look like, but my mom says Texas still has indefinite committment and that because of my skin color they are more likely to lock me up for being violent. I don’t understand though, because she said I could be honest once on the ward. It doesn’t make sense because they can keep me forever too, or rather send me to a place that will keep me forever. I don’t want to be locked up forever. I know you said they won’t but what if it’s different here? Should I just go see the new psychiatrist on Thursday, try to wait it out. I mean, the voices are less intense today so maybe I don’t need to go to the hospital at all. The more my mom talks the less I want help. I don’t even want to tell any stupid psychiatrist. I should just kill myself. That would keep everyone safe and I wouldn’t be locked up. I just have to trust that no matter what happens after I die I’ll be okay.
I had the same delusion of being locked in a mental institution. It was not true. Just a delusion when I was psychotic and not medicated yet. So don’t worry
It’s not a delusion. My mom said they can do that. They want to lock up people like me.
They can’t keep you forever. You mom comes from a different time where blacks were treated differently, I don’t think she realises there are laws against that now.
Be honest with the psych people, tell them everything. You want help, don’t you? Then you need to do what’s right, which is telling them what’s going on inside that head of yours.
@Sardonic. The hospitals do not have space to keep folks any longer than absolutely necessary. If anything, they may send you home before they probably should.
You have been struggling so much lately. You owe it to yourself to get the help you need so that you feel better.