Tried spending 20mins with my mom

She wants me to go to the hospital. She said “it’s not even worth talking to you. Can’t have a relationship with you. I’m walking on eggshells. Go back home” I told her I’m having a hard time and none of these emotions feel like mine. She said I sound like a child.

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Thoughts racing again?

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I don’t know, some kind of relapse of symptoms. I called my nurse even before I lost touch to see if I can get my shot every 3 weeks. Hopefully she calls back tomorrow morning. Long time no talk!

:frowning: You’re just trying to get support and voice your struggle and she shoots you down like that? Grr.

Anyway, I hope you feel better soon. Go to the hospital if you need to. Take care of yourself. :slight_smile:

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Thanks I have to wake up early so I can just go to my mental health place and get the shot … No waiting for a call back


when I was young I had a turbulent relationship with my mother. We sorted it all out and learned to appreciate each other despite out differences. What I wouldn’t give to spend 20 minutes with her now.

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I have pdoc appointment tomorrow and hopefully find some solution to my “spiritual” people voices problem. I managed to at least to quiet down my inside voices by listening to audio bible. I just don’t know how I would do the same with people since people believe in different things

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I’m sorry I don’t follow…?

You see people?

I appreciate her. She just has a weird way of loving me

Telling me I was wearing my book bag the wrong way, I’m fat and my cousin was being nice saying I don’t need to lose weight, all the shirts I had on me didn’t fit right since the shirt I showed up in, she said it was too small. Making judgement and faces at my teeth

Even if I wanted to go to the ER, I don’t think they’ll give me my shot or any med unless they are going to admit me

People talk to me and give advice in spiritual way. Its helpful information usually but distracting

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Oh I see. Does it come true?

They are true facts

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I think going in tomorrow morning and asking if you can get your shot early is a good idea. Thank God right now you still have insight.

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I’m just tired of it and couldn’t really be with large group of people since I don’t want to accidentally answer to something they didn’t say in flesh

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It sounds like she is actually kind of mean. I guess sometimes parents are “toxic” people. I tend to forget that. My mom could say hurtful things sometimes too, but none of that matters now that she’s gone. I just miss the good things about her and block out the bad stuff. I guess that’s human nature.

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I’m losing it, my boyfriend is trying to keep me sane. He says I’m delusional. I didn’t realize I still have delusions on this med. Maybe it’s not right for me. No med is right for me :sob:

Happens to me too… I ignore all people for that matter

Sorry to hear she’s gone. I would not be able to have a normal life without my mom even though she can have a mean streak

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Why am I ■■■■■■■ losing my ■■■■■■■ mind??!???

This isn’t fair