My life is pretty much @#$%ed

Why is there not enough information about cbd… just testing and testing deriving analysing ■■■■ ■■■■ … theres a girl @Kellie … shes saying that shes benn going out like a normal person and all …

Enough of taking pills … is there anyone certain that cbd is good for schizophrenia . Its good for so many diseases. Why are people not worried about schizophrenia ? They take other diseases like hiv cancer epilepsy and so on why not schizophrenia … without the thc cbd is good for you .

My life is pretty much ■■■■■■ …

Why these so called doctors are not allowing cbd as a solution ?

Are pills a solution to schizophrenia ? No ■■■■■■■ way .

I dont do anything all day … just eat ■■■■ sleep … just give schizophrenia a ■■■■■■■ green signal to have cbd …

■■■■ they think that they can keep us on pills for the rest of our ■■■■■■■ miserable lives .

We re too human u know by the way . I feel deep inside but just cant say it out loud … i ve dreams but these dreams cant come true by these pills.

Is there anybody out there with connections with like high people or rich people so that we can raise our voice - NO MORE PILLS -

Daily i feel like a zombie … ■■■■ cant even cry …

Cheers to cbd . So what imma trying to say is that my life is so cold that i cannot even enjoy outside world feels like something is inside my brain …

Why cant cbd be cure to schizophrenia

Please somebody if u have foung benifit from cbd please do tell .

May all schizophrenics find peace.

May your next life be what you dream in this life .

dude take advice of the docs

stay on meds short term

then when you have found stability

get off them the meds

exercise is a great way to relieve your ill feeling especially running to sweat

eat better too

challenging the doctors is going the wrong way about it

good luck

positivity positivity

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Do doctors suggest this or have they suggested it to you? I thought once you find meds that work you are supposed to stay on them for good.

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I exercise regularly.
I have a great balance diet.
I m now on only one anti depressant of 7.5 mg
But all im saying is that cbd must be the cure
I m positive

I’m sorry but there is no cure for schizophrenia. Unfortunately you’re one of those people that think weed is the second coming of christ, but it’s not the case. It’s expensive to go through the motions of trying cbd meds and how they work for you but they don’t perform miracles.


I been diagonosed of schizophrenia about a year now i had my meds for about 4 months after that

Im now on an anti deprresant of 7.5 mg

I imagine we’ll get there someday where CBD is a common treatment that people can try out for their issues, but we’re just not there yet as far as it being common and widely accepted. And even when we get there, it’s not going to work for everyone, ya just gotta know that, and so there will still be lamentation from people who haven’t found something that works for them yet. I’m a pretty staunch defender of people’s right to try weed and weed products, but I also understand that it currently also has the forbidden fruit effect, meaning that because it’s still taboo, a lot of people automatically think it’s a miracle. Don’t get set up to be disappointed, just try to be excited that it’s currently being studied and hopefully it can help some people some day.

I think I heard someone say that to get enough cbd to be therapeutic it would be prohibitively expensive. It will probably be while before cbd comes on the market. As for the pills - I understand your aversion to them. I’ve felt very strongly the same way. I’ve come to understand that I can’t manage my illness without them, though. Every time I have gotten off the med’s it was a catastrophe. They’ve come out with new anti-psychotic medications that are much easier to tolerate than the older anti-psychotics. Maybe you can find a med. that is easy for you to tolerate.

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Why arn’t you on an antipsychotic for the sz? Just wondering.

Oh you said meds so you are then, right?

My brother does not understand this but the Antipsychotics do not cure Schizophrenia/SZA - I am probably always going to be paranoid, its just a matter of degree.

I have tried the majority of the Atypical Antipsychotics and although they soften the blow, they do not cure the illness.

I am going to make a switch to a new AP and frankly am not looking forward to the new side effects, but I need more Antipsychotic in my blood stream, my paranoia has gotten worse.

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All my positive and negative symptoms are nearly nil .

After a week i will not even be on any anti depresants.

Are you saying you have no positive or negative symptoms?

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Yup thats what i m saying.

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From now on i ll be relying on homeopathy cause it has no side effects

There are different kinds of side effects. If a medicine says long term use damages organs I would shy away from it. If not, there is no real reason not to be on meds. They give you your life back.

Dont you know what homeopathy is ?

Now after being on allopathy meds
My body is heavy or im not freely movable so to ovecome the effects of meds i am going for homeopathy

The only thing I know that is homeopathic was in France in high school we bought these little white sugar-tasting pills from the pharmacy. I did not have sz then and I do not know if they work.

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If ur symptoms have been nil then homeopathy will be a good choice

This thread is hilarious.