Continuing the discussion from My life is pretty much @#$%ed:
listen to robert whitaker and phillip breggin on what they think of medication.
Continuing the discussion from My life is pretty much @#$%ed:
listen to robert whitaker and phillip breggin on what they think of medication.
Why should I listen to 2 malcontents that I’ve never even heard of when my meds are keeping me alive?
Well…I would kinda be dead or non-functioning with out them at this point. I’m going to go to a good college now and have a more functional and bearable life with them.
Everyone reacts differently to them, but even though side effects are bad, I am glad for them.
I think the journey of finding the right med(s) and dosage(s) is the shitty part. It takes a long time, is terrifying and miserable. But I’ve seen enough people who finally found their magic cocktail that I think it’s worth the journey. But yeah the journey sucks.
Whyy do people shame me for taking meds?
Never mind them…
The user has been warned to desist with the anti-med trolling or face a posting ban.
(Wearing moderator hat)