Any good news for cbd and schizophrenia

Well it’s been a solid year since any news on cbd has come out. There’s no trials to read just the same “cbd treats schizophrenia” but there’s no news stories or testimonies. I’m thinking that it might not really work. GW pharmaceuticals hasn’t said anything as of lately, it’s mostly focused around epilepsy and how cbd id helping that. That’s all good, I hope the epilepsy patients find cbd helpful, or even life saving. But I can’t find absolutely nothing else about cbd for schizophrenia. So, I guess what I’m asking is that, is cbd a fad for schizophrenia, or was it??

Might as well stick this on this thread to cover the bases.

What’s vital to understand here is that we’re talking about Cannabidiol (a processed extract of marijuana) and NOT “medical marijuana.” The former appears to be helpful on occasion. The latter is generally not, save as a distraction inducer in the very short run.

Because marijuana has been shown again and again to induce psychosis and worsen anxiety, depression, mania and PTSD in the entire spectrum of psychotic disorders in the vast majority of patients interviewed and/or directly observed.

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What is with people and CBD? It’s not going anywhere. It’s not going to cure anything, it’s not a viable treatment, it’s just a pipe dream. The fact that it is associated with marijuana is the only reason anyone cares.


If you want a cure to look for Iti-007 is the cure


cbd drug is in phase 2 .its developed by g.w pharma.
we will have wait another 2 or 4 yrs…

@green I have my blog (, although it has since lapsed. one strain in particular made a world of difference, the r4 out of the greenwerkz dispensary in Colorado (although I no longer see it on their website). I’ve since given up on treating my sz with any and all types of cannabis, as I have found it costly and way too experimental. I don’t think it is a fad, but most are waiting for the pill form to come out but given the pharma business could be years. I’m still holding out hope, the r4 was a helluva strain for combating just about everything sz related.

Well I hope something comes outta this cbd hype.

What appealed to me with CBD is that it’s not a man made chemical. I don’t smoke cannabis. I also doubt CBD will work. If it’s to good to be true, then thats normally the case.

You know what else isn’t a man made chemical? Arsenic.

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Betting it will work like most meds – it will put you into a better position to fix your own problems, but it is still up to you to do the fixing. What I learned from SZ recovery over the past two decades was that 20% of my problems are the direct result of the illness while the other 80% are the result of bad habits I developed while ill. Those bad habits take years of therapy and personal effort to overcome.

Over to you @notmoses.



Amazing how people care a lot less about it when they learn that the final, marketable product won’t come with any sort of legal buzz.


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We need safer but effective drugs - I think that there is a lot of hype surrounding CBD based Antipsychotics.

Because its related to Marijuana, people are making a huge deal over it.

Hopefully it will be an effective drug, but who knows.

Absolutely true, the main reason it’s not viable as a treatment is how grossly expensive it is.

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This is a HUGE concept. Most therapists understand it but tiptoe around it with paranoid delusional personalities (like those in sz) because of their reactivity to such a concept, believing as they often do that bringing it up to them is somehow an attack upon them.

“I am not responsible for my disease, but I am responsible for my recovery” (a phrase I learned in Narcotics Anonymous) was crucial for me to keep in mind… because of what I did to try to “manage” my illness (that wasn’t functional at all).


Outstanding. A big hurdle a lot of people need to clear to progress in treatment in recovery, both here and in the real world.

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